Rbundler manages a project-specific library for dependency package installation. By specifying dependencies in a DESCRIPTION file in a project's root directory, one may install and use dependencies in a repeatable fashion without requiring manual maintenance. rbundler creates a project-specific R library in 'PROJECT_ROOT/.Rbundle' (by default) and a project-specific 'R_LIBS_USER' value, set in 'PROJECT_ROOT/.Renviron'. It supports dependency management for R standard "Depends", "Imports", "Suggests", and "LinkingTo" package dependencies. rbundler also attempts to validate and install versio...
A simple system for saving and loading objects in R. Long running computations can be stashed after the first run and then reloaded the next time. Dependencies can be added to ensure that a computation is re-run if any of its dependencies or inputs have changed.
Run R CMD check on any of the R-hub () architectures, from the command line. The current architectures include Windows, macOS, Solaris and various Linux distributions.
Automating R package checks across platforms with GitHub Actions and Docker in a portable way - Jozef's Rblog
In this post, we will examine using GitHub actions and Docker to test our R packages across platforms in a portable way and show how this setup works for the CRAN package languageserversetup.
r - How to adjust width of one column for shiny DataTables created with the JavaScript? - Stack Overflow
My Shiny App has a paging system, that allows to go back and forth. Below is a miniversion of my entire app. I would like to resize the first column of my datatable that includes checkboxes and mak...
Setting column width in R Shiny DataTable does not work in case of lots of column - Stack Overflow
I need to set the column width of a DataTabe in an R Shiny app. I went through the Data Table Options in the documentation. Also, I reviewed this and this questions in Stackoverflow. Setting width
Easily Extracting Information About Your Data • overviewR
Makes it easy to display descriptive information on a data set. Getting an easy overview of a data set by displaying and visualizing sample information in different tables (e.g., time and scope conditions). The package also provides publishable LaTeX code to present the sample information.
rstudio/swagger: Swagger is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
Swagger is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API. - rstudio/swagger