Overview – Next Generation Shiny Apps with {bslib}
Welcome and Getting Started – Next Generation Shiny Apps with {bslib}
Welcome to the workshop and hello, bslib!
Getting started with shinytest2
How to enhance your R shiny application with httpOnly Cookies
httpOnly Cookies are crucial for security, protecting against cross-site scripting attacks in R Shiny apps. Read more about them here.
Draft for adding OAuth support to shiny by thohan88 · Pull Request #518 · r-lib/httr2
Info: This is a draft for discussion purposes. It's not a polished PR and currently includes minimal error handling and documentation. It may be big enough to warrant a separate package, bu...
Create a table of shiny inputs
Create an interactive table of Shiny inputs by providing data and a table definition.
Shiny is a package that makes it easy to create interactive web apps using R and Python.
Shiny was designed with an emphasis on distinct input and output components in the UI. Inputs send values from the client to the server, and when the server has values for the client to display, they are received and rendered by outputs.
You want the server to trigger logic on the client that doesn’t naturally relate to any single output.
You want the server to update a specific (custom) output on the client, but not by totally invalidating the output and replacing the value, just making a targeted modification.
You have some client JavaScript that isn’t related to any particular input, yet wants to trigger some behavior in R. For example, binding keyboard shortcuts on the web page to R functions on the server, or alerting R when the size of the browser window has changed.
Pimping your shiny app with a JavaScript library : an example using sweetalert2 – R-Craft
You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: Pimping your shiny app with a JavaScript library : an example using sweetalert2 You think that some of the components of {shiny} are not very functional or downright austere? Are you looking to implement some feature in your app but it is not available in the {shiny} toolbox? Take a look at JavaScript! JavaScript is a very popular programming language that is often used to add features to web pages. With HTML and This post is better presented on its original ThinkR website here: Pimping your shiny app with a JavaScript library : an example using sweetalert2
How to Make Your Shiny App Beautiful
Master the art of Shiny app design: Boost aesthetics, improve UX, and refine code efficiency with our comprehensive guide.
Shiny App-Packages
Getting your app into an R package
Foreword | Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny
A book about deeply customizing Shiny app for production.
Supplement to Shiny in Production
This document is full of supplemental resources and content from the Shiny in Production Workshop delievered at rstudio::conf 2019.
Using databases with Shiny | Emily Riederer
Key issues when adding persistent storage to a Shiny application, featuring {golem} app development and Digital Ocean serving
analythium/docker-compose-shiny-example: Docker Compose Example with Shiny Apps
Docker Compose Example with Shiny Apps. Contribute to analythium/docker-compose-shiny-example development by creating an account on GitHub.
dreamRs/shinypop: Collection of notifications, confirm dialogs and alerts for 'Shiny' applications
Collection of notifications, confirm dialogs and alerts for 'Shiny' applications - dreamRs/shinypop
R shiny app dashboards in 2021: The Ultimate Guide for Busy People
In this guide you’ll find both original content and curated resources to: + Build R shiny apps from scratch + Select the optimal dashboard framework for your R shiny app dashboard + R packages to build interactive, professional quality data visualization + Improve the user experience and dashboard speed tricks + All the ways you can deploy and share R shiny app dashboards + Lessons from a dashboard veteran for better R shiny app dashboards
Making Shiny apps faster with caching - RStudio
Shiny's 1.6 has a new function, bindCache(), which makes it easy to dramatically speed up reactive expressions and output rendering functions.
Shiny - Communicating with Shiny via JavaScript