Edit a table with Shiny and rhandsontable
Saturn Elephant - Useful callbacks for DT (in Shiny)
jienagu/DT-Editor: This is a DT Editor Shiny app
This is a DT Editor Shiny app. Contribute to jienagu/DT-Editor development by creating an account on GitHub.
Double-click to edit table cells
Super Solutions for Shiny Architecture 3/5: Softcoding Constants in the App - Appsilon Data Science | End to End Data Science Solutions
Two methods for keeping your Shiny app organized while avoiding hardcoding. Also, a tip for adding multiple languages (internationalization) for your app.
R Suite™
nik01010/dashboardthemes: BETA: custom theme support for R Shinydashboard applications.
Now on CRAN: custom theme support for R Shinydashboard applications. - nik01010/dashboardthemes
shinyApp(), runApp(), shinyAppDir(), and a fourth option - Rtask
Communication between modules and its whims - Rtask
Simple and secure authentification mechanism for single shiny applications. - datastorm-open/shinymanager
JohnCoene/waiter: 🕰️ Loading screens for Shiny
🕰️ Loading screens for Shiny. Contribute to JohnCoene/waiter development by creating an account on GitHub.
dm3ll3n/ShinyStudio: a curated, out-of-the-box instance of ShinyProxy that includes RStudio, VS Code, NGINX, InfluxDB to offer a full-featured, easily reproducible, multi-user development environment.
A fully Dockerized, self-hosted development environment for teams. Develop where you serve. - clevr-dev/ShinyStudio
dreamRs/shinylogs: Logs for Shiny apps
Logs for Shiny apps. Contribute to dreamRs/shinylogs development by creating an account on GitHub.
grabear/awesome-rshiny: An awesome R-shiny list!
An awesome R-shiny list! Contribute to grabear/awesome-rshiny development by creating an account on GitHub.
nanxstats/awesome-shiny-extensions: Awesome R packages that offer extended UI or server components for the R web framework Shiny
🐝 Awesome R packages that offer extended UI or server components for the R web framework Shiny - nanxstats/awesome-shiny-extensions
Episode 1: Shiny Development - Past and Future | Shiny Developer Series
Recording of RStudio webinar with Winston Chang & Curtis Kephart
Issue restoring from bookmark URL · Issue #1378 · rstudio/shiny
The new bookmarking functionality is great. I'm attempting to use it with rhandsontable and running into a slight issue when attempting to restore the table data. The widget is currently bu...
Our Package template to design a prod-ready Shiny application - (en) The R Task Force
The R task Force - R experts for all your needs
Packaging Shiny applications: A deep dive – Mango Solutions
(Or, how to write a Shiny app.R file that only contains a single line of code) This post is long...
Gentella Shiny App
DataTables | Gentelella
Best Practices: Shiny Development - shiny - RStudio Community
My workflow is like below: Plan out the type of app. For a lot of applications, sometimes a htmlwidget in Rmd will do, and covers more cases as time goes on and javascript gets cooler. This is preferable as then you can publish to any server, not needing Shiny. But if it needs more server side interaction, I look at using flexdashboard to keep Rmd elements, but have shiny embedded. If its a big app though, its easier to keep track using a ui.R or a HTML template. I have a HTML template ba...
AdminLTE 2 | Dashboard
extensions for shinydashboard. Contribute to RinteRface/shinydashboardPlus development by creating an account on GitHub.
Shiny Functions
HTML Widgets Gallery
Shiny Dashboard Structure