Shiny apps need more info! - our new package - Appsilon Data Sci is an open source package for R Shiny that allows developers to display diagnostic information in a div located in the corner of a Shiny app.
A general shiny app to import and export data to R. Note that this can be u
A general shiny app to import and export data to R. Note that this can be used as a starting point for any app that requires data to be loaded into Shiny. · GitHub
Exploring Data - Creating Reactive Web Apps with R and Shiny
I developed a web application to enable exploration of the data collected by a survey of software testers. I explain how R and Shiny can be used to create reactive web applications which make data accessible to a wider audience.
No Framework, No Problem! Structuring your project folder and creating cust
Pedro Coutinho Silva is a software engineer at Appsilon Data Science. It is not always possible to create a dashboard that fully meets your expectations or requirements using only existing libraries. Maybe you want a specific function that needs to be custom built, or maybe you want to add your own style or company branding. Whatever the case, a moment might come when you need to expand and organize your code base, and dive into creating a custom solution for your project; but where to start?
What are some useful css/SASS, HTML, and javascript/typescript tools,...
Integrating CSS/SASS, HTML, and JavaScript/TypeScript into R Shiny applications can significantly enhance the user interface and interactivity of your apps....
Shiny is a package that makes it easy to create interactive web apps using R and Python.
Shiny was designed with an emphasis on distinct input and output components in the UI. Inputs send values from the client to the server, and when the server has values for the client to display, they are received and rendered by outputs.
You want the server to trigger logic on the client that doesn’t naturally relate to any single output.
You want the server to update a specific (custom) output on the client, but not by totally invalidating the output and replacing the value, just making a targeted modification.
You have some client JavaScript that isn’t related to any particular input, yet wants to trigger some behavior in R. For example, binding keyboard shortcuts on the web page to R functions on the server, or alerting R when the size of the browser window has changed.
R Shiny Security: How to Make Your Shiny Apps Secured – R-Craft
Securing your Shiny application is not just an added feature; it’s a fundamental necessity. Often, functionality and design are prioritized in development, but ensuring the security of your app is equally important, if not more so. Shiny security involves more than just adhering to general programming best practices like utilizing environment variables instead of hardcoding […] The post appeared first on
Pimping your shiny app with a JavaScript library : an example using sweetalert2 – R-Craft
You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: Pimping your shiny app with a JavaScript library : an example using sweetalert2 You think that some of the components of {shiny} are not very functional or downright austere? Are you looking to implement some feature in your app but it is not available in the {shiny} toolbox? Take a look at JavaScript! JavaScript is a very popular programming language that is often used to add features to web pages. With HTML and This post is better presented on its original ThinkR website here: Pimping your shiny app with a JavaScript library : an example using sweetalert2
Michal Lauer - How to deploy an R Shiny application to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using Docker and Github Actions
Learn how to effortlessly deploy R Shiny apps on Google Cloud Platform using Docker and GitHub Actions for seamless integration and efficient application management.
Nicholas Actuarial Solutions on LinkedIn: Developing Actuarial Applications using R Shiny
Our founder Nicholas Yeo and Actuarial Analysts Debbie Min Jyeh Ooi and Nadia Suharto presented "Developing Actuarial Applications using R Shiny" at the event…
msberends/hashing: Simple Shiny app to encrypt data for safe, anonymised data transfer
Simple Shiny app to encrypt data for safe, anonymised data transfer - GitHub - msberends/hashing: Simple Shiny app to encrypt data for safe, anonymised data transfer
Chapter 10 JavaScript for Shiny | Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny
Designing an outstanding interface is not just about making it look nice with HTML and CSS. How do we handle interactivity, widget creation and data flow between R and JS? This is where JavaScript...
(2/4) Earning few JS skills for #RStats #shiny has loads of benefits:- Ease debugging (like {htmlwidgets} issues): Add new inputs/widgets: Optimize apps: less code from the server (R):— David Granjon (@divadnojnarg) May 30, 2022