R - Shiny

R - Shiny

Custom sorting
Shiny application (with modules) – Saving and Restoring from RDS | R-bloggers
Shiny application (with modules) – Saving and Restoring from RDS | R-bloggers
I am working on a Shiny application which allows the user to upload data, do some analysis and processing on each variable in the data, and finally use the processed variables to build a statistical model. As there may be hundreds of variables in the data, the user may want ...
Shiny application (with modules) – Saving and Restoring from RDS | R-bloggers
extensions for shinydashboard. Contribute to RinteRface/shinydashboardPlus development by creating an account on GitHub.
Issue restoring from bookmark URL · Issue #1378 · rstudio/shiny
Issue restoring from bookmark URL · Issue #1378 · rstudio/shiny
The new bookmarking functionality is great. I'm attempting to use it with rhandsontable and running into a slight issue when attempting to restore the table data. The widget is currently bu...
Issue restoring from bookmark URL · Issue #1378 · rstudio/shiny
dreamRs/shinylogs: Logs for Shiny apps
dreamRs/shinylogs: Logs for Shiny apps
Logs for Shiny apps. Contribute to dreamRs/shinylogs development by creating an account on GitHub.
dreamRs/shinylogs: Logs for Shiny apps
dm3ll3n/ShinyStudio: a curated, out-of-the-box instance of ShinyProxy that includes RStudio, VS Code, NGINX, InfluxDB to offer a full-featured, easily reproducible, multi-user development environment.
dm3ll3n/ShinyStudio: a curated, out-of-the-box instance of ShinyProxy that includes RStudio, VS Code, NGINX, InfluxDB to offer a full-featured, easily reproducible, multi-user development environment.
A fully Dockerized, self-hosted development environment for teams. Develop where you serve. - clevr-dev/ShinyStudio
dm3ll3n/ShinyStudio: a curated, out-of-the-box instance of ShinyProxy that includes RStudio, VS Code, NGINX, InfluxDB to offer a full-featured, easily reproducible, multi-user development environment.
Shiny Architecture (1/5) - Applison
Shiny Architecture (1/5) - Applison
Learn how to use the session argument as a global list for passing parameters between modules in advanced Shiny apps to simplify the objects’ flow in code., organize app content, simplify objects flow logic, decrease bugs, increase speed
Shiny Architecture (1/5) - Applison
Prototype to Production - Applison
Prototype to Production - Applison
We will start with a basic shiny dashboard that uses no libraries. Then we will enhance it using bootstrap and semantic UI. Then we use custom CSS.
Prototype to Production - Applison