R - Shiny
Shiny GEM | Donald Mellenbruch
Donald Mellenbruch
Packaging Shiny applications: A deep dive - Mango Solutions
(Or, how to write a Shiny app.R file that only contains a single line of code) This post is long...
FDA's Approach to R Shiny
R Shiny for Enterprise - Applison
We create, maintain, and develop enterprise R Shiny dashboards. We deliver rapid development, scalability to thousands of users, and sophisticated UIUX.
Interactive Viewing of Spatial Data in R • mapview
Quickly and conveniently create interactive visualisations of spatial data with or without background maps. Attributes of displayed features are fully queryable via pop-up windows. Additional functionality includes methods to visualise true- and false-color raster images and bounding boxes.
Google Maps with Shiny · GitHub
sarthi2395/shinygCAPTCHAv3: Package to use Google reCAPTCHAv3 in RShiny web applications.
R Shiny map search input box - Stack Overflow
Dockerize a ShinyApp - Dr. Juan Camilo Orduz
Dean Attali - R-Shiny consultant
R-Shiny developer and consultant with a MSc in Bioinformatics and a Bachelor of Computer Science. Previously a software engineer at Google, IBM, and Wish.com.
DataTables | Gentelella
Simple and secure authentification mechanism for single shiny applications. - datastorm-open/shinymanager
Communication between modules and its whims - Rtask
Chapter 22 Introduction to {charpente} | Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny
Chapter 15 Building a Shiny app to upload and visualize spatio-temporal data | Geospatial Health Data: Modeling and Visualization with R-INLA and Shiny
A book for Geospatial Health Analysis with R.
Building Web Applications with Shiny and SQL Server
A guide to building scalable Shiny Datbase applications
Building a webapp for data collection & visualization using R Shiny – Nirzaree's Blog
This is a tutorial post about building a webapp with user form and leaflet map visualization using R Shiny. The webapp I built aims to collect crowdsourced data of how sustainable are the eateries …
Best Practices: Shiny Development - shiny - RStudio Community
My workflow is like below: Plan out the type of app. For a lot of applications, sometimes a htmlwidget in Rmd will do, and covers more cases as time goes on and javascript gets cooler. This is preferable as then you can publish to any server, not needing Shiny. But if it needs more server side interaction, I look at using flexdashboard to keep Rmd elements, but have shiny embedded. If its a big app though, its easier to keep track using a ui.R or a HTML template. I have a HTML template ba...
Best Practice: Development of Robust Shiny Dashboards as R Packages
This article describes best practice approaches for developing shiny dashboards. The creation of the dashboard in package form, as well as the use of unit tests should enable the development of robust solutions and guarantee high quality.
AdminLTE 2 | Dashboard
Add POST requests to {shiny} with {brochure} - Colin Fay
[Disclaimer] The package presented in this blog post is stillexperimental at the time of writing these lines (2021-02-28), so itmight face some API changes in the future.Yesterday Jacqueline’s tweeted about her need to add POST requests toa {shiny} application.I'm astounded that it doesn't seem like a Shiny app is able to acceptPOST requests. I have data I wanna pass to my server :/— Dr. Jacqueline Nolis (@skyetetra)February27, 2021This is actually one of the things I had in mind when building{brochure}: more flexibility with the HTTP requests and how they arehandled.So here is a working ex...
Shiny on Google Cloud Run - Scale-to-Zero R Web Apps
How to create scale-to-zero Shiny apps on Google Cloud Run: pitfalls, how and why
Shiny - Add Google Analytics to a Shiny app
R Shiny authentication - approach 2
Bookmarking a Shiny app without Shiny bookmarking
I do not well remember, but it seems to me I faced some difficulties when I tried to use Shiny bookmarking to save and restore the state of a Shiny app. These difficulties arose when there were some rende...
Shiny in Production: App and Database Syncing | R-bloggers
When using shiny in production, often you will want to have some sort of database interactions for storing and accessing data. The DBI package provides an easy way to do the database interactions with a variety of SQL database flavors. In this example, I’m going to use a SQLite ...
R shiny app dashboards in 2021: The Ultimate Guide for Busy People
In this guide you’ll find both original content and curated resources to: + Build R shiny apps from scratch + Select the optimal dashboard framework for your R shiny app dashboard + R packages to build interactive, professional quality data visualization + Improve the user experience and dashboard speed tricks + All the ways you can deploy and share R shiny app dashboards + Lessons from a dashboard veteran for better R shiny app dashboards
Getting started with shinytest2