Contra Chrome – a webcomic

Coder Survival Guide
Your App Should Have Been A Website (And Probably Your Game Too)
Discover why native apps are becoming obsolete in today's web-first world. Learn how web apps, including web games, are revolutionizing industries and how platforms like Rogue Engine are leading the charge.
It's time to escape the Burnout Machine.
Protik49/12-Open-Source-Tools-for-Monitoring-Software-Energy-Consumption: This Complete Guide Is About To Help Better Understand The Importance of Monitoring Software Energy Consumption & How To Do It.
This Complete Guide Is About To Help Better Understand The Importance of Monitoring Software Energy Consumption & How To Do It. - Protik49/12-Open-Source-Tools-for-Monitoring-Software-Energy-Co...
adPerf: Characterizing the Performance of Third-party Ads
RGESN Tracker
RGESN Tracker est un outil pour le suivi et l'affichage du statut du Référentiel Général d'Écoconception des Services Numériques (RGESN), favorisant une approche durable dans le domaine numérique.
BookWatch - Animated Book Summaries
Watch summaries of the best non fiction books in video, text or audio formats.
HTTP Toolkit
Beautiful, cross-platform & open-source tools for debugging, testing and building with HTTP(S), on Windows, Linux & Mac.
Charles Web Debugging Proxy • HTTP Monitor / HTTP Proxy / HTTPS & SSL Proxy / Reverse Proxy
Charles Web Debugging Proxy - Official Site
Nous sommes un collectif hacker-féministe qui lutte contre l'utilisation de la technologie dans les violences sexistes et sexuelles. Créée en 2020, Echap s'est constituée en association loi 1901 afin d'apporter des ressources et du soutien aux associations luttant contre les violences faites aux fem
Accueil - emundi
Les architectes du numérique responsable
The 90s Gamer Experience: Handwritten Notes and Maps
In an age where information is easily available on the internet, it’s hard to imagine a time when gamers actually had to figure out everything by themselves or by sharing with (offline) friends. Back in the 90s, we didn’t have the luxury of walkthrough videos or automatic mapping; instead, we crafted our own guides, meticulously jotting down notes and sketching maps by hand. Sometimes we even went to the copy shop to copy notes and maps made by friends.
Participer à la « Fresque du climat » fait-il changer nos comportements ?
Une étude inédite montre que trois mois après avoir pris part à une fresque du climat, la grande majorité des personnes n’a pas tellement changé leur mode de vie.
Environmentally sustainable services - Service Manual - GOV.UK
Reducing the environmental impact of services.
Loughborough Business School | Loughborough University
Explore digital decarbonisation at Loughborough Business School. Learn how to reduce your digital carbon footprint with top UK expertise and research.
Digital sustainability | About | University of Stirling
Find out how we are trying to make our website more sustainable for people and planet.
University of Glasgow - Colleges - College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences - Website Sustainability
Evaluation environnementale des Services d'hébergement informatique en centre de données et de Services Cloud - La librairie ADEME
Référentiel méthodologique - Principes généraux pour l'affichage environnemental des produits de grande consommation
Digital sustainability at the RCGP
We recognise the importance of digital sustainability, and are taking steps to reduce the carbon footprint of our website and systems.
Sustainability statement
We are committed to making Sustainability Support for Education as sustainable as possible. We are taking these steps to reduce the website’s environmental impact.
Digital sustainability learning
A collection of curated content for digital roles
The Driving Force Behind The Digital Sustainability Movement | DesignWhine
In the seventh issue of DesignWhine magazine, 7 best ux design podcast hosts share their views on empathy, industry evolution, and the future of UX design.
Comcast: A New Standard for Internet Energy Efficiency
The SCTE and its members, including Comcast, have created the first standard for network energy efficiency to combat sustainability challenges with data
The web on mobile
Technically, websites can do just about anything that native apps can do. And yet the actual experience of using the web on mobile is worse than ever.
Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems
Intégrer l’IA dans un service éco-conçu : oxymore ou réalité ?
Article Annale des Mines : Intégrer l’IA dans un service éco-conçu : oxymore ou réalité ?
WCAG & ADA Compliance: The Importance of Accessibility Audits
Boost your proficiency in web accessibility with the A11Y Collective. Understand WCAG/ADA compliance, perform accessibility audits, and avoid legal pitfalls.
Data Carbon Ladder – Digital Decarbonisation
Green claims
New criteria to stop companies from making misleading claims about environmental merits of their products and services.