Transformation framework: a standard approach to underpin strategic, organisational-level peer review, police transformation and business change.Report - College of Policing, 2017.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Transformation framework: a standard approach to underpin strategic, organisational-level peer review, police transformation and business change.
Working together, saving lives. Interoperability framework.Website - JESIP, 2023.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Working together, saving lives. Interoperability framework.
APP Communication | College of PolicingWebsite - College of Policing, 2022.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023APP Communication | College of Policing
The NCA commitment to working in partnership with police and crime commissioners.Report - NCA, 2015.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023The NCA commitment to working in partnership with police and crime commissioners.
The Evidence-Based Policing App - strategies and resources.Website - Police Foundation, 2022.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023The Evidence-Based Policing App - strategies and resources.
Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitionersHMG, 2022.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners
Information management | College of PolicingWebsite - College of Policing, 2022.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Information management | College of Policing
Partnership working and multi-agency responses/mechanisms | College of PolicingWebsite - College of Policing. 2022.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Partnership working and multi-agency responses/mechanisms | College of Policing
What Works Centre for Crime Reduction | College of PolicingWebsite - College of Policing. 2022.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023What Works Centre for Crime Reduction | College of Policing
Leveson 5 years on: the effect of the LEveson and Filkin reports on relations between the Met and the news media.Article - Colbran, M. 2017. British Journal of Criminology, 57. 6. pp.1502-1519.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Leveson 5 years on: the effect of the LEveson and Filkin reports on relations between the Met and the news media.
The presentation of police in everyday life: police-press realtions, impression management and the Leveson Inquiry.Article - Mawby, R. 2014. Crime, Media & Culture, 10. 3. pp.239-257.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023The presentation of police in everyday life: police-press realtions, impression management and the Leveson Inquiry.
Police community engagement and the affordances and constraints of social media.Article - Bullock, K. et al. Policing & Society, 31. 4. pp.373-385.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Police community engagement and the affordances and constraints of social media.
Analysis of UK policing engagement vis social media.Article - Fernandez, M. et al. 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Socinfo Conference Proceedings, pp.289–304.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Analysis of UK policing engagement vis social media.
Police and media relations in an era of freedom of information.Article - Cooke, L. & Sturgess, P. Policing & Society, 19, 4. pp.406-424.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Police and media relations in an era of freedom of information.
Stakeholder engagement variability across public, private and public-private partnership projects: A data-driven network-based analysis.Article - Uddin, S. 2023. PLoS One, 17. 1. pp.1-22.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Stakeholder engagement variability across public, private and public-private partnership projects: A data-driven network-based analysis.
A Stakeholder Approach to Risk ManagementArticle - Ndlela, M. 2018. Crisis Communication, pp.53-75.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023A Stakeholder Approach to Risk Management
Has the COVID-19 pandemic manoeuvred policing in England and Wales towards a single national police organisation?Article - Duckworth, K. 2021. Journal of Global Faultlines, 8. 1. pp.114-130.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Has the COVID-19 pandemic manoeuvred policing in England and Wales towards a single national police organisation?
Improving organisational performance: red team policing and partnerships.Article - Coliandris, G. & Rogers, C. 2014. Safer Communities, 13. 2. pp.63-72.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023Improving organisational performance: red team policing and partnerships.
(Re)negotiating police culture through partnership working: trust, compromise and the 'new' pragmatism.Article - O'Neill, M. & McCarthy, D. 2014. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 14. 2. pp.143-159.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023(Re)negotiating police culture through partnership working: trust, compromise and the 'new' pragmatism.
'It's like i'm having an affair': cross-force police collaborations as complex problems.Article - L'Hoiry, X. 2011. Policing: A Journal of Policy & Practice. 15. 2. pp.1095-1109.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 19, 2023'It's like i'm having an affair': cross-force police collaborations as complex problems.
Being on secondment at the College of Policing.Website - College of Policing.Leadership- Introduction to Coaching, Mentoring and Assessment#Leadership#Introduction to Coaching Mentoring Assessment#First Line Leaders··Apr 18, 2023Being on secondment at the College of Policing.
Helping people change: coaching with compassion for lifelong learning and growth.eBook - Boyatzis, R. E. et al. 2019. Boston: Harvard Bus Review Press.Leadership- Introduction to Coaching, Mentoring and Assessment#Leadership#Introduction to Coaching Mentoring Assessment#First Line Leaders··Apr 18, 2023Helping people change: coaching with compassion for lifelong learning and growth.
The learning imperative: raising performance in organisations by improving learning.Book - Burns, M. and Griffith, A. 2018. London: Bloomsbury Professional.Leadership- Introduction to Coaching, Mentoring and Assessment#Leadership#Introuction to Coaching Mentoring and Assessment#First Line Leaders··Apr 18, 2023The learning imperative: raising performance in organisations by improving learning.
Workplace learning: how to build a culture of continuous employee development.Book - Paine, N. 2019. London: Kogan Page.Leadership- Introduction to Coaching, Mentoring and Assessment#Leadership#Introduction to Coaching Mentoring Assessment#First Line Leaders··Apr 18, 2023Workplace learning: how to build a culture of continuous employee development.
Performance coaching: a complete guide to best practice coaching and training.Book - Wilson, C. 2020. London: Bloomsbury Professional.Leadership- Introduction to Coaching, Mentoring and Assessment#Leadership#Introduction to Coaching Mentoring Assessment#First Line Leaders··Apr 18, 2023Performance coaching: a complete guide to best practice coaching and training.
Coaching and mentoring at work.Book - Connor, M. and Pokora, J. 2017. 3rd edition. London: Open University Press.Leadership- Introduction to Coaching, Mentoring and Assessment#Leadership#Introduction to Coaching Mentoring Assessment#First Line Leaders··Apr 18, 2023Coaching and mentoring at work.
The coaching manual: the definitive guide.Book - Starr, J. 2021. 5th edition. Harlow: Pearson.Leadership- Introduction to Coaching, Mentoring and Assessment#Leadership#Introduction to Coaching Mentoring Assessment#First Line Leaders··Apr 18, 2023The coaching manual: the definitive guide.
Analysis of UK policing engagement vis social media.Report - Fernandez, M. et al. 2017. Milton Keynes: Open University.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 18, 2023Analysis of UK policing engagement vis social media.
The team coaching casebook.Book - Clutterbuck, D. et al. 2021. London: Open University Press.Leadership- Introduction to Coaching, Mentoring and Assessment#Leadership#Introduction to Coaching Mentoring Assessment#First Line Leaders··Apr 18, 2023The team coaching casebook.
Police communications and social media.Report - Fielding, N. et al. 2016. Cardiff: Cardiff University.Leadership- Leading Stakeholder, Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#Leadership#Leading Stakeholder Community and Multi-Agency Partnerships#First Line Leaders··Apr 18, 2023Police communications and social media.