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Diel vertical migration - Wikipedia
Diel vertical migration - Wikipedia
Diel vertical migration (DVM), also known as diurnal vertical migration, is a pattern of movement used by some organisms, such as copepods, living in the ocean and in lakes. The adjective "diel" comes from Latin: diΔ“s, lit. 'day', and refers to a 24-hour period. The migration occurs when organisms move up to the uppermost layer of the water at night and return to the bottom of the daylight zone of the oceans or to the dense, bottom layer of lakes during the day. DVM is important to the functioning of deep-sea food webs and the biologically-driven sequestration of carbon.
Diel vertical migration - Wikipedia
The Deadly Toll of the Red Tide
The Deadly Toll of the Red Tide
In southwestern Florida, the harmful algal bloom has lasted about 10 months and continues to kill large amounts of marine life.
The Deadly Toll of the Red Tide