Do you like these types of video? In this episode, I talk about the COVID-19 recession (the Great Lockdown) and explain how it led to high inflation in the U...
Not all Mandates are Created Equal: a 2022 Legislative Recap
In the most recent legislative session, 117 bills were proposed that tied to the issue of financial education. Our policy and advocacy team has been tracking the progress of these bills, and provides an analysis of their strengths and possible challenges.
Freezing Your Kid's Credit: How, and Why It's Worth The Hassle
The reason to take time to freeze your kid’s credit is the same reason you childproof your house when they’re babies: to protect them. Children are about
Significant YOY Increase in Americans with Less than 1 Month of Emergency Funds Available - New Survey Data
/PRNewswire/ -- If a disaster suddenly struck – a hurricane, another pandemic, or deepening of the current economic crisis, for example – how well would you be...
Sources (with Answer Keys): PISA 2018 Released Financial Literacy Items (first 15 questions) and OECD PISA 2018 Financial Literacy Framework (last 4 questions) Compiled by NGPF [Thanks to Brian Page for pointing out this resource] Q1-Q3: Q4-Q5: Q6-Q7 ...
Analysis | The most-regretted (and lowest-paying) college majors
Humanities disciplines are among the most regretted majors and are declining in popularity. Meanwhile, STEM fields have doubled enrollment in the last decade.
Americans are increasingly turning to pay-later services for groceries and other everyday essentials. And there are signs that the practice is putting some in deep debt.
India considers curbs on exports of 100% broken rice
India, the world's biggest rice exporter, is considering whether to restrict exports of 100% broken rice, government and industry officials told Reuters on Friday, after the paddy area has been reduced by a lack of rainfall.
Pollinate: The Academic Advocacy Service That Has Cornell Abuzz
Pollinate is a service that allows students to buy seats in classes they want but can't enroll in. The site also promises to help students convince professors to let them into classes they couldn't get into.
The return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) marks the unofficial start of fall for coffee lovers and it’s usually the moment when people start noticing just how many other products have started offering pumpkin spiced versions of their original offerings.
Fall Begins: Here’s How Much Money Pumpkin Spice Products Rake In
Over the past couple of decades, before the leaves even begin turning colors as summer shifts to fall, pumpkin spice begins to pop up wherever you look. Not only the infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte --...