United States Genealogy
Use the indexed information to find the death certificate here.
Baltimore city (BC) (95% complete): 1874-1900 (88% complete), 1901-1909, 1911-1915, 1917-1920, 1922-1926, 1927(K-Z), 1928-1953, 1956-1957(A-J), 1958, 1959-1960(A-K), 1961-2014
All Counties (No Baltimore city): 1898-1903 (A-L,Mc,N,P-S,U-W,Z); 1969-2014
Catalog entry here. Contains baptisms 1874-1917, confirmations 1886-1914, marriages 1881-1917, deaths 1882-1917, Saint John's Cemetery, Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Most of text in Latin. Most volumes include index.
This parish was known as Saint John's until 9 August 1885 at which time the present building was erected and the name changed to Blessed Sacrament.
Microfilm of original records filmed at the Delaware County courthouse, Delaware, Ohio.
The death records from Delaware County Board of Health acts as an index to these records. For those information, search the Author/Title Catalog under "Death record, 1867-1994 / Delaware County (Ohio). Board of Health"
Includes index.
Information includes date, name, date of death, marital status, age, place of death, place of birth, occupation, name of parents, color, disease, place of residence, by whom reported.