
EMS unit
EMS unit
Can be used for incontinence
EMS unit
How to Do Kegel Exercises for Men (with Pictures)
How to Do Kegel Exercises for Men (with Pictures)
Strengthen and support your pelvic floor with these simple exercises If you do Kegel exercises on a regular basis, then you can substantially strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. By having strong pelvic floor muscles, you may be able to...
How to Do Kegel Exercises for Men (with Pictures)
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The ADHD detective 🕵️‍♀️ #neurodiversity #adhd #neurodivergent
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Dr Anthony Pinto: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) (Ep397)
Dr Anthony Pinto: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) (Ep397)
In episode 397 I chat with Dr Anthony Pinto (Ph.D). Anthony is Director of the Northwell Health OCD Center at Zucker Hillside Hospital on Long Island in NY, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell. Dr. Pinto has an extensive publication record, with over 100 manuscripts/chapters on obsessive compulsive disorder and related conditions, particularly obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). He is a leading authority on OCPD and co-edited a comprehensive book on the subject (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2020). He is the lead author of the self-rated Family Accommodation Scale for OCD, which is being used worldwide. He serves on the International OCD Foundation Scientific and Clinical Advisory Board. Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a chronic maladaptive pattern of excessive perfectionism, preoccupation with orderliness/detail, and need for control over one’s environment that frequently co-occurs with OCD and can complicate its treatment. Despite its prevalence, many clinicians are not aware of how to treat OCPD. Dr. Pinto shares with us the core features of OCPD, how the condition impacts functioning, and explains how it can be differentiated from OCD. He also focuses on cognitive behavioral therapy interventions for the maladaptive traits and behaviors of OCPD. As well as navigating therapy for OCD while also having OCPD. Hope it helps. Show notes: The podcast is made possible by NOCD. NOCD offers effective, convenient therapy available in the US and outside the US. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to Thanks to all our patrons for supporting our work. To sign up to our Patreon and to check out the benefits you’ll receive as a Patron, visit: For help and support please contact an OCD charity (i.e. or or a mental health professional. Here are some more resources:
Dr Anthony Pinto: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) (Ep397)
17 Unexpected and Unique Behaviours of OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder)
17 Unexpected and Unique Behaviours of OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder)
Today's video goes through some of the more unique and unexpected behaviours that a person with OCPD may display. Special thanks to the brain trust on the Facebook OCPD support group. If you're interested in joining us, find it here: I don't run, moderate or admin the group. SUBSCRIBE: WEBSITE: CHAT TO EDEN: Like my content? Say thanks by buying me a coffee 😊 __ COLLABS & ENQUIRIES __ Feel free to DM me on Twitter @edenwaffles or e-mail with your idea. __ PRECIOUS LINKS __ USA helpline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) USA Crisis Text Line: Text anything to 741741 USA online chat: http://chat.suicidepreventionlifeline... Canada helplines: UK helpline: 116 123 Beyond Blue Australia helpline: 13 11 14 Australia online chat: New Zealand (within Auckland) helpline: 09 5222 999 New Zealand (outside Auckland) helpline: 0800 543 354 __ RESOURCES __ Images licensed by creative commons and sourced ethically from Pixabay, Pexels, Wikimedia Commons. GIFS got from Gifly & Tenor Music organically sourced from: Eden's brain, yo __ DISCLAIMERS __ Eden holds a bachelor's degree in Psychological Science, Social Science, and is a certified life and NLP coach. She is not a licensed therapist, lawyer, health care professional or counselor and as such, does not provide psychological counseling, therapy or legal counsel. All released content is for informational purposes only.
17 Unexpected and Unique Behaviours of OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder)
Can you find happiness living with someone with OCPD?
Can you find happiness living with someone with OCPD?
Can you find happiness living with someone with OCPD? Episode 031 Your loved one is finally seeking help for their OCPD, but in the meantime, you’re still living with the same traits and behaviors that have been damaging your relationship with them all along. In the follow-up to my last video, in which we discussed what to do if someone you love has OCPD, we dive into how to take care of yourself while helping your loved one through their treatment. Things won’t change overnight and I want to make sure that you have the tools to safeguard your own mental health. Living with someone, loving someone, and communicating with someone with OCPD can be immensely challenging. Let’s see if we can find some hope and happiness amongst the chaos. Email your questions to: to have them answered in an episode. Articles referenced: The International OCPD Foundation: 1:1 Video or Call Consultation & Support: Instagram: OCPD: My Life In Debris is a channel dedicated to helping sufferers of obsessive compulsive personality disorder and those dealing with the people in their life that are afflicted with this personality disorder. We will delve into topics covering detailed explanations of the disorder, exploring treatment options, interviews with sufferers, how to live with the disorder, interviews with those that have people in their life with OCPD, and talks with treatment professionals. In addition, we will explore personality disorders and mental health disorders and how to navigate the world when these are a part of your daily life. 最近、日本で􏰀パーソナリティ障害クラスターC 群がますます増えてきている点で、私􏰁注意 を引きました。こ􏰁ようなことが起きている理由を説明する􏰁􏰀困難ですが、日本􏰁文化がそ 􏰁一端を担っていると考える􏰁􏰀不自然で􏰀ないでしょう。チャネル􏰁アナリティクスを確認し てみると、私􏰁コンテンツに􏰀アジア、特に日本から􏰁関心が寄せられていることがわかりま す。こ􏰁チャンネル􏰁目的􏰀、できるだけ多く􏰁人にメッセージを届け、役に立ててもらうことな 􏰁で、動画を日本語字幕付きで提供することにしました。コンテンツ􏰀、特に「強迫性パーソナ リティ障害」をテーマにしています。強迫性パーソナリティ障害􏰀、日本でも多く見られる強迫 性障害と􏰀別􏰁疾患です。強迫性パーソナリティ障害􏰀、略して OCPD と呼􏰂れており、また 文献上で􏰀強迫性パーソナリティ障害 (Anankastic personality disorder (APD)) とも呼􏰂れて います。OCPD 􏰀、白か黒か􏰁思考と完璧主義的な特徴を持つ障害です。実際􏰁特徴􏰀、􏰀 るかに複雑ですが、それを説明するために動画を用意しました。内容がお役に立てれ􏰂、ある い􏰀少なくとも情報として参考にしていただけれ􏰂幸いです。ご覧いただきありがとうございま した。また、以下にお気軽にコメントをお寄せください。 用語􏰁説明 強迫性パーソナリティ障害 強迫性􏰁 完璧 完璧主義者 完璧な 完璧主義 メンタルヘルス うつ病 不安 #mentalhealth #ocpd #perfectionism #depression #anxiety #obsessivecompulsivepersonalitydisorder #ocd
Can you find happiness living with someone with OCPD?
An ancient exercise being used by modern doctors to raise I.Q.'s
Re: nervous about VA appointment
Re: nervous about VA appointment
Akasha, this weekend I had to take my partner to the ER at our VAMC. Turns out he was fine (long story) but I learned that after his son (who was out of town) I AM the second-in-line POA. I didn't realize that. When my partner first showed signs of cognitive decline, the social worker met with him and his son. That was the summer of 2020, the height of COVID so I didn't attend that meeting. I'd forgotten I had that POA!
Re: nervous about VA appointment
Do you have an ADHD partner?
Do you have an ADHD partner?
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Do you have an ADHD partner?
“What matters most is that…. your kids feel safe, seen, soothed and secure.” Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D. Dr. Dan Siegel explains why… ⬇️ 🎥 via Conscious...