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Is the Library a “Welcoming Space”? An Urban Academic Library and Diverse Student Experiences - Sharon Elteto, Rose M. Jackson, and Adriene Lim
Is the Library a “Welcoming Space”? An Urban Academic Library and Diverse Student Experiences - Sharon Elteto, Rose M. Jackson, and Adriene Lim
abstract: This article presents a case study of an urban academic library’s attempt to identify factors that influence the perceptions of students of color concerning the library as a welcoming space. The goal of this study is to determine if there are qualitative divergent factors along racial lines concerning how students use this library. The research is grounded in the theory of symbolic interactionism and Critical Race Theory. The authors then used these theories to focus on three themes that emerged reflecting racial differences among library users. This project adds to the limited scholarly research concerning the influence of the library on the experiences and the retention and success rates of students of color.
Is the Library a “Welcoming Space”? An Urban Academic Library and Diverse Student Experiences - Sharon Elteto, Rose M. Jackson, and Adriene Lim
Hispanic College Students Library Experience - Risa Lumley, California State University, USA Eric Newman, California State University, USA Haakon T. Brown, California State University, San Bernardino, USA
Hispanic College Students Library Experience - Risa Lumley, California State University, USA Eric Newman, California State University, USA Haakon T. Brown, California State University, San Bernardino, USA
This study looks at undergraduate Hispanic students’ interpretations and current perceptions of the academic library’s purpose, usefulness and value. What are the reasons to use the library? What are the barriers to use? This study will examine academic libraries’ move toward electronic library materials and what it means for Hispanic students. The results of this study will help academic libraries at Hispanic Serving Institutions to better understand how they are currently being perceived and what they need to do to market themselves and their collections to better serve Hispanic students.
Hispanic College Students Library Experience - Risa Lumley, California State University, USA Eric Newman, California State University, USA Haakon T. Brown, California State University, San Bernardino, USA
Developing a Culture of Inclusivity through a Library Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team. Part 1: Team Formation - Jane Morgan-Daniela , Chloe Houghb , Michele R. Tennanta, Mary E. Edwardsa, Lauren E. Adkinsa, and Melissa L. Rethlefsenc
Developing a Culture of Inclusivity through a Library Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team. Part 1: Team Formation - Jane Morgan-Daniela , Chloe Houghb , Michele R. Tennanta, Mary E. Edwardsa, Lauren E. Adkinsa, and Melissa L. Rethlefsenc
Health science libraries are ideally suited for proactive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts, as their work and spaces transcend disciplinary boundaries. In 2018, a DEI Team was created by the Health Science Center Libraries at the University of Florida, with the purpose of improving the library’s climate for its diverse patrons and employees. This article provides an overview of the Team’s formation and development, including its charge, culture, structure, team-work, leadership, and reporting processes. Recommendations are offered for other libraries seeking to establish simi- lar committees.
Developing a Culture of Inclusivity through a Library Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team. Part 1: Team Formation - Jane Morgan-Daniela , Chloe Houghb , Michele R. Tennanta, Mary E. Edwardsa, Lauren E. Adkinsa, and Melissa L. Rethlefsenc
EDUCAUSE Inclusive Language Guide
EDUCAUSE Inclusive Language Guide
EDUCAUSE Inclusive Language Guide Version: 1.4 Date: Last updated February 17, 2022 Language embodies values and perspectives, some of which are rooted in systems that discriminate against certain groups of people. Over time, specific terms and ways of using language become established parts of ...
EDUCAUSE Inclusive Language Guide
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resources
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resources
Core's Diversity and Inclusion Committee is committed to supporting libraries in incorporating the tenets of anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion into day-to-day library operations and Core committee work. With this goal in mind, the committee has compiled a sampling of free resources and tools explicitly related to assessment, building & operations, leadership & management, metadata & collections, and technology. It includes resources on training, outreach, recruitment and employment, grants and scholarships, and organizations. We welcome suggestions for resources to be added to the list.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resources
Where to Find Real History in the Anti-CRT Era
Where to Find Real History in the Anti-CRT Era
See Cult of Pedagogy's list of resources to aid educators in teaching accurate and inclusive history in an era of book banning and censorship.
Where to Find Real History in the Anti-CRT Era
America's Censored Classrooms
America's Censored Classrooms
This year, proposed educational gag orders have increased 250 percent compared to 2021.
America's Censored Classrooms
Considering the MLS - David James Hudson
Considering the MLS - David James Hudson
The following text was written by Baharak Yousefi, Ebony Magnus, Yoonhee Lee, and me. It was originally sent as a response to a list-serv discussion…
Considering the MLS - David James Hudson
Doing a YA Collection Diversity Audit: Resources and Sources (Part 3)
Doing a YA Collection Diversity Audit: Resources and Sources (Part 3)
In this final post on doing my diversity audit, I just wanted to share my sources and resources with you. It’s also available in the PDF outline of my process, but since these are clickable links you may prefer to access them this way. Also, if you know of additional book lists or titles that […]
Doing a YA Collection Diversity Audit: Resources and Sources (Part 3)
Collecting for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Best Practices for Virginia Libraries
Collecting for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Best Practices for Virginia Libraries
Collecting for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Best Practices for Virginia Libraries presents an overview for auditing library collections, from selection and cataloging to policy and community engagement statements. Developed in concert with public, school, and academic libraries, appendices support all library types.
Collecting for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Best Practices for Virginia Libraries
Yavapai County attorney wants to intervene in Supreme Court abortion battle
Yavapai County attorney wants to intervene in Supreme Court abortion battle
In pleadings to the high court, attorneys for McGrane said he does not agree with the decision by the state Court of Appeals that a 2022 law permitting doctors to perform the procedure through the 15th week of pregnancy trumps the older statute.
Yavapai County attorney wants to intervene in Supreme Court abortion battle
Conversations That Matter: Engaging Library Employees in DEI and Cultural Humility Reflection
Conversations That Matter: Engaging Library Employees in DEI and Cultural Humility Reflection
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Programs subcommittee at University of North Carolina (UNC) Charlotte’s Atkins library formed in 2019 and created a series of DEI-themed staff development programming to engage library employees. The programs, which included facilitated discussions, short presentations at staff meetings, and interaction with video or article content, were all intended to foster a culture of reflection and awareness. To accommodate changing necessities of virtual and in person work environments, the subcommittee transitioned their work to be applicable both online and in person with an educational hub to promote cultural humility practices. The subcommittee began assessing the results of this programming in an informal process and laid groundwork for a more formalized assessment to inform their future DEI work.
Conversations That Matter: Engaging Library Employees in DEI and Cultural Humility Reflection
How The Police Became Untouchable : Fresh Air
How The Police Became Untouchable : Fresh Air
UCLA law professor Joanna Schwartz talks about the legal protections — including qualified immunity and no-knock warrants — that have protected officers from the repercussions of abuse. Her book is Shielded.Also, David Bianculli reviews Mel Brooks' History of the World Part II on Hulu.
How The Police Became Untouchable : Fresh Air
Cotton Capital | The Guardian
Cotton Capital | The Guardian
Latest Cotton Capital news, comment and analysis from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice
Cotton Capital | The Guardian
Protect Trans Rights in Every State · Movement ·
Protect Trans Rights in Every State · Movement ·
This is an emergency. Across the country, from North Carolina to Mississippi to Alaska, LGBT rights are under attack. One by one, extremists in state legislatures are lining up to slash LGBT discrimination protections and cruelly scapegoat transgender people. These are the most dangerous efforts we’ve seen in years. It’s hate that animated the North Carolina legislature and Governor Pat McCrory to establish the worst anti-LGBT law in the country. It’s hate that is motivating Tennessee legislators to threaten parents of transgender students. Hate moved South Dakota lawmakers to try to lead the nation in anti-transgender discrimination. Hate drove Mississippi’s elected officials late Wednesday night to pass a severe anti-LGBT and anti-woman bill. But as we’ve seen so many times in our recent past, hate is no match for love. Love is what moved Thomas Lewis, a transgender student in South Dakota, to face down his governor and demand to be seen as human. Love is what’s activating Gretchen Peters, a Nashville music star and mother of a transgender child, to raise her voice in the service of protecting Tennessee’s youth. Love is driving Lara Americo, a transgender woman in North Carolina, to rally activists in her state to fight back against elected officials who took all of 12 hours to decide that her life matters less. With your support, we swayed South Dakota’s governor to veto what would have been the country’s first explicitly anti-transgender law. We saw the governors of Georgia and Virginia neutralize their states’ attempts to legalize anti-LGBT discrimination in the guide of religious exemptions. We can win. With your help, we will win.
Protect Trans Rights in Every State · Movement ·
EEOC Sues T.C. Wheelers for Harassing and Driving Out Transgender Employee
EEOC Sues T.C. Wheelers for Harassing and Driving Out Transgender Employee
BUFFALO, N.Y. – T C Wheelers, Inc., which operates T.C. Wheelers Bar & Pizzeria in Tonawanda, New York, violated federal law when management and employees harassed an employee because of his gender identity, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit filed today.
EEOC Sues T.C. Wheelers for Harassing and Driving Out Transgender Employee