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Latinos in libraries, museums, and archives : cultural competence in action! : an asset-based approach - Patricia Montiel-Overall; Annabelle Villaescusa Nuñez; Verónica Reyes-Escudero
Latinos in libraries, museums, and archives : cultural competence in action! : an asset-based approach - Patricia Montiel-Overall; Annabelle Villaescusa Nuñez; Verónica Reyes-Escudero
Written by three experienced LIS professionals, Latinos in Libraries, Museums, and Archives demonstrates the meaning of cultural competence in the everyday work in libraries, archives, museums, and special collections with Latino populations. The authors focus on their areas of expertise including academic, school, public libraries, health sciences, archives, and special collections to show the importance of understanding how cultural competence effects the day-to-day communication, relationship building, and information provision with Latinos. They acknowledge the role of both tacit and explicit knowledge in their work, and discuss ways in which cultural competence is integral to successful delivery of services to, communication with, and relationship building with Latino communities.
Latinos in libraries, museums, and archives : cultural competence in action! : an asset-based approach - Patricia Montiel-Overall; Annabelle Villaescusa Nuñez; Verónica Reyes-Escudero
LatCrit : from critical legal theory to academic activism - Francisco Valdes; Steven W. Bender
LatCrit : from critical legal theory to academic activism - Francisco Valdes; Steven W. Bender
"This book comprehensively but succinctly tells the story of LatCrit's emergence and sustainable presence as a scholarly and activist community within and beyond the US legal academy, finding its place alongside such other schools of critical legal knowledge as Feminist Legal Theory and Critical Race Theory that aim to combust social and legal transformative change"--
LatCrit : from critical legal theory to academic activism - Francisco Valdes; Steven W. Bender
Integrating doctrine and diversity : inclusion and equity in the law school classroom - Nicole P. Dyszlewski (Editor); Raquel J. Gabriel (Editor); Suzanne Harrington-Steppen (Editor); Anna Russell (Editor); Genevieve B. Tung (Editor)
Integrating doctrine and diversity : inclusion and equity in the law school classroom - Nicole P. Dyszlewski (Editor); Raquel J. Gabriel (Editor); Suzanne Harrington-Steppen (Editor); Anna Russell (Editor); Genevieve B. Tung (Editor)
"Drawing upon the experience of faculty from across the country, Integrating Doctrine and Diversity is a collection of essays with practical advice, written by faculty for faculty, on specific ways to integrate diversity, equity and inclusion into the law school curriculum. Chapters will focus on subjects traditionally taught in the first-year curriculum (Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Legal Writing, Legal Research, Property, Torts) and each chapter will also include a short annotated bibliography curated by a law librarian. With submissions from over 40 scholars, the collection is the first of its kind to offer reflections, advice and specific instruction on how to integrate issues of diversity and inclusions into first-year doctrinal courses"--
Integrating doctrine and diversity : inclusion and equity in the law school classroom - Nicole P. Dyszlewski (Editor); Raquel J. Gabriel (Editor); Suzanne Harrington-Steppen (Editor); Anna Russell (Editor); Genevieve B. Tung (Editor)
Institutional transformations : imagination, embodiment and affect - Danielle Celermajer (Editor); Millicent Churcher (Editor); Moira Gatens (Editor)
Institutional transformations : imagination, embodiment and affect - Danielle Celermajer (Editor); Millicent Churcher (Editor); Moira Gatens (Editor)
Formal and informal institutions structure our social interactions by giving rise to normative expectations and patterns of collective behaviour. This collection grapples with how affect, imagination, and embodiment can operate to either constrain or enable the justice of institutions and the experiences of specific social identities. This anthology explores the myriad ways institutions work to systematically disadvantage people with particular identities, whilst privileging others, and considers the legal, political, and normative interventions that might serve to promote a more just society. Taken together, the papers represent the scope of existing research within institutional theory, affect theory, race theory, and the force of social imaginaries. Across a range of topics (human rights, the theoretical imagination, social justice practices, and democratic assumptions) this collection critically assesses the extent to which theorists have attended to the conjoined influence of the imagination, embodiment, and affective phenomena on processes of institutional change that aim at the achievement of social justice. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the journal, Angelaki.
Institutional transformations : imagination, embodiment and affect - Danielle Celermajer (Editor); Millicent Churcher (Editor); Moira Gatens (Editor)
Focusing on the Underserved: Immigrant, Refugee, and Indigenous Asian American and Pacific Islanders in Higher Education - Samuel D. Museus; Amefil Agbayani; Doris Ching
Focusing on the Underserved: Immigrant, Refugee, and Indigenous Asian American and Pacific Islanders in Higher Education - Samuel D. Museus; Amefil Agbayani; Doris Ching
Recent discussions and dissemination of information regarding the rapid growth of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) across our nation are creating some awareness among administrators and educators in higher education institutions regarding the extensive diversity of AAPIs, the struggles of some AAPI populations in pursuing and succeeding in higher education, and the lack of support for their educational success. National discourse on AAPIs among educators, policymakers and AAPI communities underscores the need for more research-including more relevant research-that can inform policy and practice that will enhance educational opportunities for AAPIs who are underserved in higher education. The book focuses on diverse topics, many of which do not appear in the current literature. The chapters are authored by an array of distinguished and emerging scholars and professionals at various universities and colleges across the nation. The authors, whose insights are invaluable in understanding the diverse issues and characteristics that affect the educational success of underserved AAPI students, and they represent the ethnicities and cultures of Cambodian, Chinese, Guamanian/Chamorro, Filipino, Hispanic, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Native Hawaiian, Okinawan, Samoan, Vietnamese, and multiracial Americans. The authors not only integrate theoretical concepts, statistical analyses, and historical events, but they also merge theory and practice to advocate for social justice for AAPIs and other underrepresented and underserved ethnic minority groups in higher education.
Focusing on the Underserved: Immigrant, Refugee, and Indigenous Asian American and Pacific Islanders in Higher Education - Samuel D. Museus; Amefil Agbayani; Doris Ching
Diversity gap : where good intentions meet true cultural change - Bethaney Wilkinson
Diversity gap : where good intentions meet true cultural change - Bethaney Wilkinson
Many well-intentioned organizational diversity programs do little to create a lasting culture of equity and belonging that can transform your organization and outpace your industry. Wilkinson, a racial justice facilitator, provides leaders with a replicable structure to foster a diverse culture of belonging within your organization. She helps readers to better understand today's racial climate and its negative impact on your organization and team, and create an organizational culture where people from various racial backgrounds grow in their purpose, make their highest contributions, and collaborate effectively towards greater impact at work and in the world. -- adapted from jacket and Amazon info
Diversity gap : where good intentions meet true cultural change - Bethaney Wilkinson
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in action : planning, leadership, and programming - Christine Bombaro (Editor)
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in action : planning, leadership, and programming - Christine Bombaro (Editor)
"This book offers thought-provoking ideas and actionable advice from librarians who have implemented replicable and scalable initiatives that have helped their institutions understand and address issues surrounding the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion"--
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in action : planning, leadership, and programming - Christine Bombaro (Editor)
27 Interventional Healing & Accountability — BYP100 Healing & Safety Council (Je Naé Taylor & Kai M Green) — irresistible
27 Interventional Healing & Accountability — BYP100 Healing & Safety Council (Je Naé Taylor & Kai M Green) — irresistible
Published May 15, 2018 Welcome to part 2 of a 2-part conversation with Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100). This week, Healing and Safety Council members JeNaè Taylor & Kai M Green join us to talk about interventional healing and accountability practices - aka what to do wh
27 Interventional Healing & Accountability — BYP100 Healing & Safety Council (Je Naé Taylor & Kai M Green) — irresistible
26 Preventative Healing & Accountability — BYP100 Healing & Safety Council (P Ife Williams & Chris Roberts) — irresistible
26 Preventative Healing & Accountability — BYP100 Healing & Safety Council (P Ife Williams & Chris Roberts) — irresistible
Published May 8, 2018 Welcome to part 1 of a 2-part conversation with Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100). This week, Healing and Safety Council members Pascale Ife Williams (Ife) and Chris Roberts join us to share about preventative healing practices, aka how we can set up organiz
26 Preventative Healing & Accountability — BYP100 Healing & Safety Council (P Ife Williams & Chris Roberts) — irresistible
Into an American Uprising: White Accountability | Into America Podcast – Ep. 22 | NBC News and MSNBC
Into an American Uprising: White Accountability | Into America Podcast – Ep. 22 | NBC News and MSNBC
In the face of mass protests and national rage against racism and police brutality, many white Americans are confronting what it means to be privileged and how to take accountability in this moment. Some, are asking Black friends and colleagues how to be accountable. Tim Wise is an anti-racist essayist, author and educator. He's the author of numerous books, including "Under the Affluence: Shaming the Poor, Praising the Rich and Sacrificing the Future of America." On this episode of Into America, host Trymaine Lee talks to Wise about the role white people play in fighting for racial justice and creating change.» Subscribe to NBC News: » Watch more NBC video: NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips from NBC Nightly News, Meet The Press, and original digital videos. Subscribe to our channel for news stories, technology, politics, health, entertainment, science, business, and exclusive NBC investigations. Connect with NBC News Online! Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Follow NBC News on Instagram: Into an American Uprising: White Accountability | Into America Podcast – Ep. 22 | NBC News and MSNBC
Into an American Uprising: White Accountability | Into America Podcast – Ep. 22 | NBC News and MSNBC
Building a Diverse, Inclusive Profession
Building a Diverse, Inclusive Profession
The struggle for racial and gender equity gained new prominence in 2020, and lawyers and law students played important roles in working for change. But what about the state of racial and gender equity in our own profession? Though progress has been made in recent years, many challenges still remain. Why aren’t more women and people of color partners at law firms? Why does even the non-profit sector struggle to elevate women and people of color to leadership roles? How much is this a pipeline problem, or a problem of organizational culture and implicit bias? And what can new lawyers do to make positive change? Join some of the leading lawyers on diversity and inclusion in the profession to discuss.
Building a Diverse, Inclusive Profession
Storytelling for Justice: How Libraries and Archives Hold History to Account
Storytelling for Justice: How Libraries and Archives Hold History to Account
Working at the intersection of memory and social justice, these speakers consider the power and potential of libraries and archives to confront race, empower underrepresented communities, and uplift marginalized stories in the nation’s historical record. Mellon Foundation President Dr. Elizabeth Alexander led a wide-ranging conversation with Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla D. Hayden, UCLA Professor/Project Director, Million Dollar Hoods Dr. Kelly Lytle Hernández, and Liberatory Memory Worker and PhD candidate of the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University Jarrett Martin Drake. This recording is from a livestream event held on February 10, 2021. For more information about Mellon events, visit
Storytelling for Justice: How Libraries and Archives Hold History to Account
Coming to Terms With Racism’s Inertia: Ancestral Accountability | Rachel Cargle | TEDxBend
Coming to Terms With Racism’s Inertia: Ancestral Accountability | Rachel Cargle | TEDxBend
When it comes to race relations there is often the argument "Well I didnt own slaves" as a dismissive attempt to seperate onesself from the effects and realities of the racial divide in the United States. In this talk Rachel Cargle addresses the modern manifestations of the racism the US was built on and calls for more intenional accountability, allyship and antiracist action. Rachel Elizabeth Cargle is an Ohio born writer and lecturer. Her activist and academic work are rooted in providing intellectual discourse, tools, and resources that explore the intersection of race and womanhood. She spearheads the online learning platform Loveland Hall and she is a monthly columnist at Rachel is currently a student at Columbia University studying anthropology and a research fellow at the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Coming to Terms With Racism’s Inertia: Ancestral Accountability | Rachel Cargle | TEDxBend
Shifting the Center: Transforming Academic Libraries through Generous Accountability
Shifting the Center: Transforming Academic Libraries through Generous Accountability
A recording of the June 10th ACRL Together Wherever presentation: 2020 President’s Program - Shifting the Center: Transforming Academic Libraries through Generous Accountability. Inspired by the work of critical scholars, artists and activists within and outside libraries, the 2020 President’s Program, "Shifting the Center: Transforming Academic Libraries through Generous Accountability," asks participants to imagine a world where holding ourselves truly accountable for systemic inequity in our profession and institutions is a welcome opportunity for growth. We understand that the inequitable systems governing our institutions are not broken, but are functioning as they were designed to do. In light of today's global pandemic, we find these inequities even more severe for many in our communities. To rebuild these institutions, we must pay close attention to the voices and needs of people experiencing inequity, and enact change according to what we hear. Hosted by ACRL President Karen Munro and featuring keynote speaker McKensie Mack, anti-oppression consultant, researcher, facilitator, founder of #BoundaryWork, and former executive director at Art+Feminism, the session will explore how doing this work—holding ourselves, each other, and our institutions meaningfully accountable for inequity—can be an opportunity for generosity, humor, and care. Make sure to join us at the start of the program for a special recognition of the recipients of ACRL's Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award, Excellence in Academic Libraries Awards, and the Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award. We also welcome you to explore the companion reading list,, compiled by the 2020 ACRL President’s Program Committee.
Shifting the Center: Transforming Academic Libraries through Generous Accountability
Reimagining Description for Libraries, Archives, and Special Collections: an Anti-Racist Approach
Reimagining Description for Libraries, Archives, and Special Collections: an Anti-Racist Approach
An OCLC presentation by Mary Sauer Games, VP Global Product Management, and Merrilee Proffitt, Senior Manager OCLC Research. Digital Reference Page available here: Description, subject analysis, classification, authority control, and cataloging practices are part of a powerful naming and labeling process in bibliographic cataloging. Metadata is laden with outdated, harmful, and even racist terminology. Though many areas of librarianship and archival work have evolved, core ontologies and taxonomies at the heart of descriptive and classification practices remain biased and rooted in white supremacy. This presentation will cover how OCLC has sought to learn and advance knowledge for member libraries though research and programming. Additionally, we will share information about an initiative funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and OCLC that will produce a consultative community agenda. This agenda will inform research, learning, and other actionable steps that libraries, archives, and allied organizations can take to reimagine descriptive practices in the records they steward, and will establish a foundation for future community engagement and reciprocal consultation.
Reimagining Description for Libraries, Archives, and Special Collections: an Anti-Racist Approach
Decolonizing the Stacks
Decolonizing the Stacks
University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, 13th Annual Public Interest Week, Reframing the Nation: Working Towards Racial Justice, (2021).
Decolonizing the Stacks
DEI Initiatives Are Futile Without Accountability
DEI Initiatives Are Futile Without Accountability
Many organizations are struggling to diversify their ranks through the flawed application of well-intentioned diversity policies. DEI policies are only as good as the people responsible for carrying them out. If those people don’t fully understand what problem new processes or policies are solving, they won’t understand their role in bringing those plans to life — or how to hold themselves and others accountable. The author has developed a three-part framework for driving better accountability around DEI by focusing on educating people on the why, not just the how; listening to feedback and iterating on policies; and celebrating your wins while nudging those who need it.
DEI Initiatives Are Futile Without Accountability
Do Your Diversity Initiatives Promote Assimilation Over Inclusion?
Do Your Diversity Initiatives Promote Assimilation Over Inclusion?
Professional development initiatives intended to help underrepresented employees don’t always lead to the progress leaders think they will — especially if those initiatives are designed around a harmful expectation of assimilation. The authors suggest examining the company’s expectations of assimilation and professionalism, reframing professional development programs, adjusting feedback processes, and focusing on relationships.
Do Your Diversity Initiatives Promote Assimilation Over Inclusion?
Hateful Conduct in Libraries: Supporting Library Workers and Patrons
Hateful Conduct in Libraries: Supporting Library Workers and Patrons
Home | Proactive Preparation | Responding to an Incident | Meeting Community Needs | Special Considerations & Resources What prompted the need for this document? | Assistance and Consultation | Definitions What prompted the need for this document? After the 2016 elections, there was a spike in reported hate crimes in American libraries. Consequently, questions about hate speech, the First Amendment, and patron behavior in the library are escalating.Hateful Conduct in Libraries: Supporting Library Workers and Patrons
Hateful Conduct in Libraries: Supporting Library Workers and Patrons