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Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
This year marks a significant milestone in the fight for the rights of all Americans with disabilities. The disability community has seen modifications to the built environment, increased access to affordable healthcare and an uptick in political participation in the last 30 years.
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Americans with Disabilities Act
Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several areas, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local government’ programs and services. As it relates to employment, Title I of the ADA protects the rights of both employees and job seekers.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
The U.S. Department of Education’s Individuals with Disabilities Education Act website brings together department and grantee IDEA information and resources. The IDEA makes available a free appropriate public education to and ensures special education and related services to eligible children with disabilities.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Sharing the Dream: Is the ADA Accommodating All? - U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
Sharing the Dream: Is the ADA Accommodating All? - U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
On July 26, 1990, President George Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law. The ADA provides a host of civil rights protections for individuals with disabilities. The law seeks to ensure for people with disabilities rights such as equal opportunity in employment, full accessibility to government services, public accommodations, telecommunications; and meaningful methods of enforcing those rights. These rights were not always provided, but they have evolved over time.
Sharing the Dream: Is the ADA Accommodating All? - U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
Two cases alleging disability-based discrimination - SCOTUSblog
Two cases alleging disability-based discrimination - SCOTUSblog
This week we highlight cert petitions that ask the Supreme Court to consider, among other things, the viability of certain types of disability-based claims under three federal statutes. One petition involves the Americans with Disabilities Act. Another involves the interaction of the Affordable Care
Two cases alleging disability-based discrimination - SCOTUSblog
Disability, Equal Protection, and the Supreme Court: Standing at the Crossroads of Progressive and Retrogressive Logic in Constitutional Classification - Anita Silvers and Michael Ashley Stein
Disability, Equal Protection, and the Supreme Court: Standing at the Crossroads of Progressive and Retrogressive Logic in Constitutional Classification - Anita Silvers and Michael Ashley Stein
Disability as a classification for equal protection stands at a jurisprudential crossroads.
Disability, Equal Protection, and the Supreme Court: Standing at the Crossroads of Progressive and Retrogressive Logic in Constitutional Classification - Anita Silvers and Michael Ashley Stein
Disability Lead: Power. Influence. Change.
Disability Lead: Power. Influence. Change.
Disability Lead increases civic engagement and diverse leadership in the Chicago region by developing and building a network of leaders with disabilities.
Disability Lead: Power. Influence. Change.
Disability Justice: An Audit Tool - Disability Lead
Disability Justice: An Audit Tool - Disability Lead
“Disability Justice: An Audit Tool” is aimed at helping Black, Indigenous and POC-led organizations (that are not primarily focused on disability) examine where they’re at in practicing disability justice, and where they want to learn and grow. It includes questions for self-assessment, links to access tools, organizational stories and more. Fill out the form below to download a PDF of the tool.
Disability Justice: An Audit Tool - Disability Lead
The Helen Keller Exorcism - The Experiment
The Helen Keller Exorcism - The Experiment
The fantasy writer Elsa Sjunneson has been haunted by Helen Keller for nearly her entire life. Elsa is Deafblind, and growing up, she couldn’t escape the constant comparisons. Then, a year ago, an online conspiracy theory claiming that Keller was a fraud
The Helen Keller Exorcism - The Experiment
Disability as a Social Construct — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Disability as a Social Construct — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
The Professional Engagement, Growth, and Advancement Special Interest Section (PEGA-SIS) of the American Association of Law Libraries recently hosted a discussion on hidden disabilities in the workplace . One of the key takeaways from the discussion was the idea that “disability” is a social co
Disability as a Social Construct — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Be a Hero Fund
Be a Hero Fund
Be A Hero takes on the impossible fights. Big money. Special interests. Powerful politicians. We've taken them all on – and won.
Be a Hero Fund
The Sunny Side (when available) of Mental Illness
The Sunny Side (when available) of Mental Illness
By Stéphanie Pham-Dang I’m a reference librarian, because I like to connect with people. A colleague once compared me to sunlight. I’ve heard this before (see my first post). She watches me interac…
The Sunny Side (when available) of Mental Illness
ALA and Knology explore disability and accessibility in “Accessibility in Libraries: A Landscape Report”
ALA and Knology explore disability and accessibility in “Accessibility in Libraries: A Landscape Report”
CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA), in collaboration with the non-profit research organization Knology, has published a review of the literature and best practices around libraries and accessibility. The free report, “Accessibility in Libraries: A Landscape Report,” is created as part of ALA’s longtime Libraries Transforming Communities initiative. In its 31 pages, the report explores: the different ways disability has been understood and defined over time (the “medical model” vs. the “social model”) the history of accessibility in U.S.
ALA and Knology explore disability and accessibility in “Accessibility in Libraries: A Landscape Report”