Social Movements & the Law

We refuse to be silent : women's voices on justice for Black men - Angela P. Dodson, editor.
We refuse to be silent : women's voices on justice for Black men - Angela P. Dodson, editor.
"A powerful and needed collection of essays by accomplished women writers on violence and injustice toward Black men. The catalyst for a national conversation, this book shines a new light on the dangers Black men face daily, and the emotional toll anti-Black violence takes on the women who love them, casting a vision for future activism"--
We refuse to be silent : women's voices on justice for Black men - Angela P. Dodson, editor.
Vital relations : how the Osage Nation moves Indigenous nationhood into the future - Jean Dennison.
Vital relations : how the Osage Nation moves Indigenous nationhood into the future - Jean Dennison.
"Relationality is a core principle of Indigenous studies, yet there is relatively little work that assesses what building relations looks like in practice, especially in the messy context of Native nations' governance. Focusing on the unique history and context of Osage nation building efforts, this insightful ethnography provides a deeper vision of the struggles Native nation leaders are currently facing. Exploring the Osage philosophy of moving to a new country as a framework for relational governance, Jean Dennison shows that for the Osage, nation building is an ongoing process of reworking colonial constraints to serve the nation's own ends. As Dennison argues, Osage officials have undertaken deliberate changes to strengthen Osage relations to their language, self-governance, health, and land-core needs for a people to thrive now and into the future. Scholars and future Indigenous leaders can learn from the Osage Nation's past challenges, strategies, and ongoing commitments to better enact the difficult work of Indigenous nation building"--
Vital relations : how the Osage Nation moves Indigenous nationhood into the future - Jean Dennison.
Utmost resistance : examining sexual violence law in the United States - Amy Vorenberg, Jessica Durkis-Stokes, and Jessica Brown.
Utmost resistance : examining sexual violence law in the United States - Amy Vorenberg, Jessica Durkis-Stokes, and Jessica Brown.
"Despite greater social awareness and intense media coverage of high-profile sexual assault cases, the vast majority of such crimes still go either unreported or unprosecuted. Why? The answer lies in the patchwork of laws governing such crimes and the often sexist and racist roots that underlie them. This book discusses the history of sexual violence laws, the social and media forces that drive the laws, and the progress American society has made in recognizing and punishing such behavior. The chapters cover a range of subjects including federal regulations such as Title IX and Title VII, sentencing, children and sexual violence, pornography, and evidence, as well as the evolution of legal concepts such as force and consent"--
Utmost resistance : examining sexual violence law in the United States - Amy Vorenberg, Jessica Durkis-Stokes, and Jessica Brown.
The United States governed by six hundred thousand despots : a true story of slavery : a rediscovered narrative, with a full biography - John S. Jacobs.
The United States governed by six hundred thousand despots : a true story of slavery : a rediscovered narrative, with a full biography - John S. Jacobs.
"Narratives written by enslaved Africans in America are few in number. Some are transformative, like that of Harriet Jacobs; others are lesser, like the brief one attributed to Harriet's brother, John S. Jacobs. The revelation, here, of a much longer, richer, and more radical version of John's story, is a major historical event. His work is all the more significant for having been written and published in Australia, outside the sanitizing and bowdlerizing influence of the American Abolitionist movement. Jacobs's full account is a startling and clear expression of the true thoughts, words, and wide-ranging experiences of a man once enslaved"--
The United States governed by six hundred thousand despots : a true story of slavery : a rediscovered narrative, with a full biography - John S. Jacobs.
They came but could not conquer : the struggle for environmental justice in Alaska Native communities - Diane J. Purvis.
They came but could not conquer : the struggle for environmental justice in Alaska Native communities - Diane J. Purvis.
"In 'They came but could not conquer,' Diane J. Purvis reveals the centuries-long histories of environmental destruction and settler violence against Alaska Natives and their villages by successive European empires and states: Russian, British, French, and American"--;"As the environmental justice movement slowly builds momentum, Diane J. Purvis highlights the work of Indigenous peoples in Alaska's small rural villages, who have faced incredible odds throughout history yet have built political clout fueled by vigorous common cause in defense of their homes and livelihood. Starting with the transition from Russian to American occupation of Alaska, Alaska Natives have battled with oil and gas corporations; fought against U.S. plans to explode thermonuclear bombs on the edge of Native villages; litigated against political plans to flood Native homes; sought recompense for the Exxon Valdez oil spill disaster; and struggled against the federal government's fishing restrictions that altered Native paths for subsistence. In 'They came but could not conquer' Purvis presents twelve environmental crises that occurred when isolated villages were threatened by a governmental monolith or big business. In each, Native peoples rallied together to protect their land, waters, resources, and a way of life against the bulldozer of unwanted, often dangerous alterations labeled as progress. In this gripping narrative Purvis shares the inspiring stories of those who possessed little influence over big business and regulations yet were able to protect their traditional lands and waterways anyway."--
They came but could not conquer : the struggle for environmental justice in Alaska Native communities - Diane J. Purvis.
See justice done : the problem of law in the African American literary tradition - Christopher Michael Brown.
See justice done : the problem of law in the African American literary tradition - Christopher Michael Brown.
"In See Justice Done: The Problem of Law in the African American Literary Tradition, author Christopher Michael Brown argues that African American literature has profound and deliberate legal roots. Tracing this throughline from the eighteenth century to the present, Brown demonstrates that engaging with legal culture in its many forms-including its conventions, paradoxes, and contradictions-is paramount to understanding Black writing. Brown begins by examining petitions submitted by free and enslaved Blacks to colonial and early republic legislatures. A virtually unexplored archive, these petitions aimed to demonstrate the autonomy and competence of their authors. Brown also examines early slave autobiographies such as Olaudah Equiano's Interesting Narrative and Mary Prince's History, which were both written in the form of legal petitions. These works invoke scenes of Black competence and of Black madness, repeatedly and simultaneously. Early Black writings reflect how a Black Atlantic world, organized by slavery, refused to acknowledge Black competence. By including scenes of Black madness, these narratives critique the violence of the law and predict the failure of future legal counterparts, such as Plessy v. Ferguson, to remedy injustice. Later chapters examine the works of more contemporary writers, such as Sutton E. Griggs, George Schuyler, Toni Morrison, and Edward P. Jones, and explore varied topics from American exceptionalism to the legal trope of "colorblindness." In chronicling these interactions with jurisprudential logics, See Justice Done reveals the tensions between US law and Black experiences of both its possibilities and its perils"--
See justice done : the problem of law in the African American literary tradition - Christopher Michael Brown.
Pardon power : how the pardon system works -- and why - Kim Wehle; John W. Dean, author of foreward.
Pardon power : how the pardon system works -- and why - Kim Wehle; John W. Dean, author of foreward.
"The president's power to pardon federal crimes is immense, with roots in ancient notions of mercy and amnesty. However, this power, seemingly boundless under the Constitution, lacks clear constraints, inviting concerns about abuse. Recent discussions in the U.S. Supreme Court have raised alarms about the potential for presidential abuse of pardons, highlighting the need for accountability within the pardon system to uphold the foundational premise that no one is above the law."--
Pardon power : how the pardon system works -- and why - Kim Wehle; John W. Dean, author of foreward.
On being American : the jurisprudence of Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Suzanne Reynolds and Shannon Gilreath, editors.
On being American : the jurisprudence of Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Suzanne Reynolds and Shannon Gilreath, editors.
"In her work as an appellate judge, Justice Ginsburg translated this devotion into a jurisprudence focused on 'We the People,' substantively and procedurally. Substantively, Justice Ginsburg insisted that faithfully employed, the words of the Constitution supported an expansive understanding of who was included in 'We the People,' despite the framers' narrow understanding of the phrase when it appeared in the preamble to the Constitution. Expressed also as a jurisprudence of equality and opportunity, Justice Ginsburg believed that the phrase promised equal dignity for people despite their gender, gender identity, race, or disability. Procedurally, 'We the People' shaped Justice Ginsburg's approach to the process of deciding cases, guiding every step of her judicial process-the way she read the Constitution and statutes, approached voting issues, and analyzed the demands of the separation of powers, for example. While the substantive contours of 'We the People' have received the most attention, the full sweep of her jurisprudence appears also in the process she used in analyzing all issues. Justice Ginsburg's jurisprudence of 'We the People' became the ordering principle of this book, explaining both the book's title and its topics. Instead of a general survey of Justice Ginsburg's work, the book tells the story of an advocate and a jurist committed to increasing in material ways the bundle of rights we all carry around with us as Americans. As Linda Greenhouse explained in the Foreword, the story begins with Justice Ginsburg's commitment to an America that enables people with diverse experiences to live together in civic harmony. Justice Ginsburg believed that because the American experience involved living in community, the religious expression of some of us had to yield when the expression oppressed others of us in ways endangering that harmony"--
On being American : the jurisprudence of Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Suzanne Reynolds and Shannon Gilreath, editors.
Meet me at the library : a place to foster social connection and promote democracy - Shamichael Hallman.
Meet me at the library : a place to foster social connection and promote democracy - Shamichael Hallman.
America is facing an epidemic of loneliness and isolation, with troubling effects on our mental and physical health. We live in one of the most divisive times in our history, one in which we tend to work, play, and associate only with people who think as we do. How do we create spaces for people to come together--to open our minds, understand our differences, and exchange ideas? Shamichael Hallman argues that the public library may be our best hope for bridging these divides and creating strong, inclusive communities. While public libraries have long been thought of as a place for a select few, increasingly they are playing an essential role in building social cohesion, promoting civic renewal, and advancing the ideals of a healthy democracy. Many are reimagining themselves in new and innovative ways, actively reaching out to the communities they serve. Today, libraries are becoming essential institutions for repairing society. Libraries have a unique opportunity to bridge socioeconomic divides and rebuild trust. But in order to do so, they must be truly welcoming to all. They and their communities must work collaboratively to bridge socioeconomic divides through innovative and productive partnerships. Drawing from his experience at the Memphis Public Library and his extensive research and interviews across the country, Hallman presents a rich argument for seeing libraries as one of the nation's greatest assets. He includes examples from libraries large and small--such as the Iowa's North Liberty Library's Lighthouse in the Library program to bring people together to discuss important topics in a safe and supportive space, to Cambridge Cooks, an initiative of the Cambridge MA Public Library that fosters social connection by bringing people together over shared interest in food. As an institution that is increasingly under attack for creating a place where diverse audiences can see themselves, public libraries are under more scrutiny than ever. Meet Me at the Library offers us a revealing look at one of our most important civic institutions and the social and civic impact they must play if we are to heal our divided nation. --
Meet me at the library : a place to foster social connection and promote democracy - Shamichael Hallman.
Inequality across state lines : how policymakers have failed domestic violence victims in the United States -Kaitlin N. Sidorsky.
Inequality across state lines : how policymakers have failed domestic violence victims in the United States -Kaitlin N. Sidorsky.
"In the United States, one in four women will be victims of domestic violence each year. Despite the passage of federal legislation on violence against women beginning in 1994, differences persist across states in how domestic violence is addressed. Inequality Across State Lines illuminates the epidemic of domestic violence in the U.S. through the lens of politics, policy adoption, and policy implementation. Combining narrative case studies, surveys, and data analysis, the book discusses the specific factors that explain why U.S. domestic violence politics and policies have failed to keep women safe at all income levels, and across racial and ethnic lines. The book argues that the issue of domestic violence, and how government responds to it, raises fundamental questions of justice; gender and racial equality; and the limited efficacy of a state-by-state and even town-by-town response. This book goes beyond revealing the vast differences in how states respond to domestic violence, by offering pathways to reform";"Every year, one in four women will be victims of domestic violence in the United States. This book shows how and why U.S. domestic violence politics and policies have failed to keep them safe at all income levels, and across racial and ethnic lines"--
Inequality across state lines : how policymakers have failed domestic violence victims in the United States -Kaitlin N. Sidorsky.
Indigenous peoples and borders - Sheryl R. Lightfoot
Indigenous peoples and borders - Sheryl R. Lightfoot
"Indigenous Peoples and Borders considers the problem of state borders, which are frequently legacies of colonialism, and their impact on Indigenous Peoples around the world. Indigenous lands are frequently divided by such borders creating difficulties for their Native inhabitants that were until recently largely disregarded by international law and international relations scholars. The contributors, including many Indigenous rights practitioners, take up issues of sovereignty, power, globalization, economic integration, and self-determination in areas from Bangladesh to the Russian Arctic to Mexico. The collection takes a comparative, multidisciplinary, and global approach showing the ways Indigenous Peoples are challenging and working around borders, even as they are constrained by them"--
Indigenous peoples and borders - Sheryl R. Lightfoot
Feeling Asian American : racial flexibility between assimilation and oppression - Wen Liu
Feeling Asian American : racial flexibility between assimilation and oppression - Wen Liu
"Asian Americans have become the love-hate subject of the American psyche: at times celebrated as the model minority, at other times hated as foreigners. Wen Liu examines contemporary Asian American identity formation while placing it within a historical and ongoing narrative of racial injury. The flexible racial status of Asian Americans oscillates between oppression by the white majority and offers to assimilate into its ranks. Identity emerges from the tensions produced between those two poles. Liu dismisses the idea of Asian Americans as a coherent racial population. Instead, she examines them as a raced, gendered, classed, and sexualized group producing varying physical and imaginary boundaries of nation, geography, and citizenship. Her analysis reveals repeated norms and acts that capture Asian Americanness as part of a racial imagination that buttresses capitalism, white supremacy, neoliberalism, and the US empire. An innovative challenge to persistent myths, Feeling Asian American ranges from the wartime origins of Asian American psychology to anti-Asian attacks to present Asian Americanness as a complex political assemblage"--
Feeling Asian American : racial flexibility between assimilation and oppression - Wen Liu
Failing moms : the social condemnation and criminalization of mothers - Caitlin Killian
Failing moms : the social condemnation and criminalization of mothers - Caitlin Killian
"While many claim that being a mom is the most important job in the world, in reality, motherhood in the United States is becoming harder. From pre-conception, through pregnancy and while parenting, women are held to ever-higher standards and finding themselves punished - both socially and criminally - for failing to live up to these norms. This book uncovers how women of all ethnic backgrounds and socio-economic statuses have been interrogated, held against their will, and jailed for a rapidly expanding list of offenses such as falling down the stairs while pregnant or letting a child spend time alone in a park, actions that were not considered criminal a generation ago. While poor mothers and moms of color are targeted the most, all moms are in jeopardy, whether they realize it or not. Women and mothers are disproportionately held accountable compared to men and fathers who do not see their reproduction policed and almost never incur charges for "failure to protect." The gendered inequality of prosecutions reveals them to be more about controlling women than protecting children. Using a reproductive justice lens, Caitlin Killian analyzes how and why mothers are on a precipice and what must change to prevent mass penalization and instead support mothers and their children."--
Failing moms : the social condemnation and criminalization of mothers - Caitlin Killian
Critical wage theory : why wage justice is racial justice - Ruben J. Garcia.
Critical wage theory : why wage justice is racial justice - Ruben J. Garcia.
"In Critical Wage Theory, Ruben J. Garcia argues forcefully that we must center the minimum wage as a tool for fighting structural racism. Employing the lessons of critical race theory to show how low minimum wages and underenforcement of workplace laws have always been features of our racially stratified society, Garcia explains why we must follow the leadership of social movements by treating increases in minimum wage levels and enforcement as matters of racial justice. Offering solutions that would benefit all workers, especially the immigrants and people of color most often made victims of wage theft"--
Critical wage theory : why wage justice is racial justice - Ruben J. Garcia.
Confronting failures of justice : getting away with murder and rape - Jeffrey Seaman, Paul H. Robinson, and Muhammad Sarahne
Confronting failures of justice : getting away with murder and rape - Jeffrey Seaman, Paul H. Robinson, and Muhammad Sarahne
"No comparable volume collects in one place the various rules, doctrines, policies, and ideological positions that prevent our criminal justice system from pursuing and achieving justice"--
Confronting failures of justice : getting away with murder and rape - Jeffrey Seaman, Paul H. Robinson, and Muhammad Sarahne
The black tax : 150 years of theft, exploitation, and dispossession in America - Andrew W. Kahrl.
The black tax : 150 years of theft, exploitation, and dispossession in America - Andrew W. Kahrl.
"Andrew Kahrl's enraging national assessment of legal and financial dispossession proves that African Americans property owners have long been beset by racist practices, invisible obstacles, and hidden traps that leave them vulnerable to economic predation. Kahrl focuses specially on how property taxes have been used to swindle African Americans out of their land, with the cooperation of public officials and courts. These racist regimes fund and reinforce inequity, with blacks paying more in taxes than whites as they lose tremendous inheritable wealth to whites. There is something more fundamental than the "forty acres" of settlement lore: the taxes on them" --
The black tax : 150 years of theft, exploitation, and dispossession in America - Andrew W. Kahrl.
The (mis)representation of queer lives in true crime - Abbie E. Goldberg, editor.
The (mis)representation of queer lives in true crime - Abbie E. Goldberg, editor.
"This book examines the representation and misrepresentation of queer people in true crime, addressing their status as both victims and perpetrators in actual crime, as well as how the media portrays them. The chapters apply an intersectional perspective in examining criminal cases involving LGBTQ people, as well as the true crime media content surrounding the cases. The book illuminates how sexual orientation, gender, race, and other social locations impact the treatment of queer people in the criminal legal system as well as the mass media. Each chapter describes one or more high-profile criminal cases involving queer people (e.g., the murders of Brandon Teena and Kitty Genovese; serial killer Aileen Wuornos; the Pulse nightclub mass shooting). The authors examine how the case(s) are portrayed in the media via news, film, podcasts, documentaries, books, social media, and more. Each chapter discusses not only what is visible or emphasized by the media, but also what is invisible in the accounting or societal focus surrounding the case. Lesser known (but similar) cases are used in the book to call attention to how race, gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, social class, and/or other features influence the dominant narrative surrounding these cases. Each chapter addresses "teachable moments" from each case and its coverage, leaving readers with several considerations to take with them into the future. The book also provides media resources and supplemental materials, so that curious readers, including scholars, students, content creators, and advocates can examine the cases and media content further. The book will appeal to scholars and students of criminology, psychology, sociology, law, media studies, sexuality studies, and cultural studies and people with an interest in true crime"--
The (mis)representation of queer lives in true crime - Abbie E. Goldberg, editor.
An Unprecedented Moment For Abortion, IVF & Fetal Personhood : Fresh Air
An Unprecedented Moment For Abortion, IVF & Fetal Personhood : Fresh Air
Legal scholar Mary Ziegler talks about the legal battles shaping reproductive rights across the U.S. — including the scope of abortion access and the fate of IVF. And we look ahead at two very different outcomes with the election. "I don't think in the past 50 years we've had an election where the stakes could be as high, simply because Roe v. Wade isn't there as a floor anymore," Ziegler says. Also, John Powers controversial French writer Michel Houellebecq's new novel, Annihilation. Subscribe to Fresh Air's weekly newsletter and get highlights from the show, gems from the archive, and staff recommendations.
An Unprecedented Moment For Abortion, IVF & Fetal Personhood : Fresh Air
Research: Why Forming Diverse Teams Is Harder in Uncertain Times
Research: Why Forming Diverse Teams Is Harder in Uncertain Times
Widespread global uncertainty in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing wars, social uprisings, and rising inflation have led individuals to feel less of a sense of personal control. New research finds that this lack of control can drive employees to seek similarity in coworkers, forming homogenous teams that stifle diversity and innovation. Research involving over 90,000 participants across multiple studies revealed that individuals with reduced control gravitate toward those similar in race, religion, or values, reinforcing predictability but fostering segregation and limiting collaboration. Leaders can mitigate this effect by taking the following steps: 1) Foster psychological safety, 2) establish predictable work routines, 3) encourage cross-functional teams, 4) develop responsive feedback systems, and 5) cultivate individual autonomy.
Research: Why Forming Diverse Teams Is Harder in Uncertain Times
We choose to : a memoir of providing abortion care before, during, and after Roe - Curtis Wayne Boyd and Glenna Halvorson-Boyd
We choose to : a memoir of providing abortion care before, during, and after Roe - Curtis Wayne Boyd and Glenna Halvorson-Boyd
In this deeply personal account, Dr. Curtis Boyd and Dr. Glenna Halvorson-Boyd reflect on their lives in abortion care, from the childhood experiences that shaped their paths to the Supreme Court decision that forced the closure of their Dallas clinic. Their stories begin in the 1960s, as Curtis opens a clandestine abortion practice while breaking with the beliefs of his Baptist family and Glenna pursues psychology while coming to understand the world of restrictive gender roles. When the two of them meet shortly after abortion is legalized, they bond over a common commitment to women, forming a professional and personal partnership that will weather the coming decades. We Choose To is the story of that partnership, and the staff and patients that have shaped the history of modern abortion. In these pages, Curtis and Glenna share their holistic, morally rooted approach to their work. Led by a desire to empower patients, they advance abortion and mental health care further than ever even as they find themselves at the center of a controversial new issue in American life. Sweeping, introspective, and deeply honest, We Choose To is a rare portrait of abortion providers and the world in which they work, where abortion is not a talking point in a culture war but a private, even spiritual, act. -- Provided by publisher.
We choose to : a memoir of providing abortion care before, during, and after Roe - Curtis Wayne Boyd and Glenna Halvorson-Boyd
Unbuild walls : why immigrant justice needs abolition - Silky Shah
Unbuild walls : why immigrant justice needs abolition - Silky Shah
"In the wake of post-9/11 xenophobia, Obama's record-level deportations, Trump's immigration policies, and the 2020 uprisings for racial justice, the US remains entrenched in a circular discourse regarding migrant justice. As organizer Silky Shah argues in Unbuild Walls, we must move beyond building nicer cages or advocating for comprehensive immigration reform. Our only hope for creating a liberated society for all, she insists, is abolition. Unbuild Walls dives into US immigration policy and its relationship to mass incarceration, from the last forty years up to the present, showing how the prison-industrial complex and immigration enforcement are intertwined systems of repression. Incorporating historical and legal analyses, Shah's personal experience as an organizer, as well as stories of people, campaigns, organizations, and localities that have resisted detention and deportation, Shah assesses the movement's strategies, challenges, successes, and shortcomings. Featuring a foreword by Amna A. Akbar, Unbuild Walls is an expansive and radical intervention, bridging the gaps between movements for immigrant rights, racial justice, and prison abolition." --
Unbuild walls : why immigrant justice needs abolition - Silky Shah
The small and the mighty : twelve unsung Americans who changed the course of history, from the founding to the civil rights movement - Sharon McMahon
The small and the mighty : twelve unsung Americans who changed the course of history, from the founding to the civil rights movement - Sharon McMahon
"From America's favorite government teacher, a heartfelt, inspiring portrait of twelve ordinary Americans whose courage formed the character of our country. In The Small and the Mighty, Sharon McMahon proves that the most remarkable Americans are often ordinary people who didn't make it into the textbooks. Not the presidents, but the telephone operators. Not the aristocrats, but the schoolteachers. Through meticulous research, she discovers history's unsung characters and brings their rich, riveting stories to light for the first time. You'll meet a woman astride a white horse riding down Pennsylvania Ave, a young boy detained at a Japanese incarceration camp, a formerly enslaved woman on a mission to reunite with her daughter, a poet on a train, and a teacher who learns to work with her enemies. More than one thing is bombed, and multiple people surprisingly become rich. Some rich with money, and some wealthy with things that matter more. This is a book about what really made America--and Americans--great. McMahon's cast of improbable champions will become familiar friends, lighting the path we journey in our quest to make the world more just, peaceful, good, and free"--
The small and the mighty : twelve unsung Americans who changed the course of history, from the founding to the civil rights movement - Sharon McMahon