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UMBC Microcredentialing: Recommendations from Peers (Draft Report)
UMBC Microcredentialing: Recommendations from Peers (Draft Report)
This report summarizes the recommendations from peers to UMBC in microcredentialing. The recommendations are based on the input from UMBC faculty, staff, and career training professionals who convened a national microcredentialing summit in February 2023.
UMBC Microcredentialing: Recommendations from Peers (Draft Report)
Microcredentials Data Elements comparison (DRAFT)
Microcredentials Data Elements comparison (DRAFT)
EU (Guidance) Element,Requirement,Description Identification of the learner,Mandatory Title of the micro-credential,Mandatory Country(ies)/Region(s) of the issuer,Mandatory Awarding body(ies),Mandatory Date of issuing,Mandatory Learning outcomes,Mandatory Notional workload ,Mandatory,needed to a...
Microcredentials Data Elements comparison (DRAFT)
CTDL Advisory Group Registration and Roster 2023
CTDL Advisory Group Registration and Roster 2023
Form Responses 1 Timestamp,Email Address,Added to Calendar,First Name and Last Name,Organization Affiliation,Job Title,If you have a question or comment, please add it here. ,Tuesday, October 10, 2023,Tuesday, August 8, 2023,Tuesday, April 11, 2023,Tuesday, February 14, 2023,Tuesday, December 12...
CTDL Advisory Group Registration and Roster 2023
DRAFT Credential Transparency Opportunities Discussion Updated August 8, 2023
DRAFT Credential Transparency Opportunities Discussion Updated August 8, 2023
CTDL Partnership Opportunities: Guiding Questions Opportunities List CTDL References Contributed Resources Vision: Substantially increased opportunities for people to achieve their learning and career pathway goals through normalizing global credential transparency and illuminating learning...
DRAFT Credential Transparency Opportunities Discussion Updated August 8, 2023
2024 Draft CTDL Annual Plan of Work
2024 Draft CTDL Annual Plan of Work
Change Log Introduction CTDL Team 2024 Significant Updates Plan Schema Development GitHub Repo 2024 Potential Updates from Advisory Groups and State Partners 2024 Exploratory Work Change Log Date Description Responsible Status October 4, 2023 Draft for feedback. Jeanne Kitchens Dr...
2024 Draft CTDL Annual Plan of Work
2023 CTDL Annual Plan of Work
2023 CTDL Annual Plan of Work
Change Log Introduction CTDL Team 2023 Significant Updates Plan 2023 Other Updates to be Completed 2023 Potential Updates from Advisory Groups and State Partners 2023 Exploratory Work Change Log May 2, 2023 added Certificates under Significant Updates Plan. September 25, 2023, updated statuse...
2023 CTDL Annual Plan of Work
4-Oct-2023: CTDL Certificates Task Group Kickoff Meeting
4-Oct-2023: CTDL Certificates Task Group Kickoff Meeting
Certificates CTDL Task Group October 4, 2023 Kickoff Meeting Nate Argo, Associate Solutions Architect Phil Barker, CTDL Consultant to Credential Engine Jared Diener, State Partnerships Manager Jeanne Kitchens, Chief Technology Services Officer
4-Oct-2023: CTDL Certificates Task Group Kickoff Meeting
Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force
A Weekly Reflection Practice for Intentional Living | Mindful Ambition
A Weekly Reflection Practice for Intentional Living | Mindful Ambition
So, you want to live a more intentional life? It doesn’t happen by accident. It happens because you practice intentional living. This needn’t be complex. First, you set an intention. Then, you follow through on that intention. Next, you reflect on how it went. And last, you repeat the process. Levels of Intention You can…
A Weekly Reflection Practice for Intentional Living | Mindful Ambition