Would you be willing to post some of the use cases/prompts you've been using? · brianpetro/obsidian-smart-connections · Discussion #164

Many ways to deal with events in javascript
The Wrong Abstraction — Sandi Metz
“duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction” cliche at this point, but only cuz it’s true!
Classes vs. prototypes in JavaScript
Deep Cloning Objects in JavaScript, the Modern Way
Bruno - Scriptmania 👩💻🧑💻 · usebruno/bruno · Discussion #385
How to rewrite classes using closures in JavaScript
24 Cool PHP Libraries You Should Know About
Geo coordinates to pixel positions - build a map with your own images - Kau-Boys
mjaschen/phpgeo: Simple Yet Powerful Geo Library for PHP
Laurence Anthony's Software
OneClick Terms is a powerful online term extractor with monolingual and bilingual term extraction which helps translators and terminologists build glossaries of terms. It is powered by the unique term extraction technology from Sketch Engine.
OneClick Terms is a powerful online term extractor with monolingual and bilingual term extraction which helps translators and terminologists build glossaries of terms. It is powered by the unique term extraction technology from Sketch Engine.
How To Use MySQL Generated Column Effectively
HTML Web Components: An Example
Pi, your personal AI
HTML web components
When to use CSS text-wrap: balance; vs text-wrap: pretty; - Stephanie Stimac's Blog
revolist/revogrid: Powerful virtual data grid smartsheet with advanced customization. Best features from excel plus incredible performance 🔋
Dynamic vs static NodeList — Phuoc Nguyen
Tufin/oasdiff: OpenAPI Diff and Breaking Changes
compare two openapi definitions
Syntax on Twitter
DeepLcom/google-sheets-example: Example using DeepL API in Google Sheets scripts
Building blocks for digital commerce
Appcues | Product adoption made easy
Show new features to new customers
7 Open-Source Search Engines for your Enterprise and Startups you MUST know.
gnat/css-scope-inline: 🌘 Scope your inline style tags in pure vanilla CSS! Only 16 lines. No build. No dependencies.
Nue / Frontend troublesolver
Creating a modal using the dialog HTML element - Bleech