cipher-code/phpframework: Example DIY PHP Framework
Build Your Own PHP Framework Step By Step - Part 1 - SES
7-m's very own blog - A safe haven for bugs at the price of being exposed
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Release 1.0.0 · CuyZ/Valinor
feedle - It's a world of feeds!
dddddddddzzzz/OpenStories: The Open Stories format.
jakealbaugh/social: my social network feed
Your account is permanently suspended
Einen einfachen ActivityPub-Server bauen, oder: der Kirby-Blog als Fediverse-Teilnehmer in vierhundert einfachen Schritten
HTML to PDF API with Print CSS Support
Defensive CSS
Using Generators for Pagination | James Bannister
Bridgy Fed
#TwitterMigration, first time? Have posted notes to since 2010, POSSEd tweets & #AtomFeed. Added one .htaccess line today, and thanks to #BridgyFed, #Mastodon users can follow my #IndieWeb site No Mastodon install or account needed. Just one line in .htaccess: RewriteRule ^.well-known/(host-meta|webfinger).*$0 [redirect=302,last] is enough for Mastodon users to search for and follow that username. Took a little more work to setup Bridgy Fed to push new posts to followers. Note by the way both the redundancy & awkwardness (it’s not a clickable URL) of such @-@ (AT-AT) usernames when you’re already using your own domain. Why can’t Mastodon follow a username of “”? Or just “”? And either way expanding it internally if need be to the AT-AT syntax. Why this regression from what we had with classic feed readers where a domain was enough to discover & follow a feed? Also, why does fo...
GitHub - orhanerday/open-ai: A PHP SDK for accessing the OpenAI GPT-3 API
auto-archive/ at master · bkardell/auto-archive
Tabula: Extract Tables from PDFs
Sentence Stack - a powerful Linguistic Search Engine backed by 300+ million sentence examples
Laurie Voss on Twitter
Kamil Galeev (@kamilkazani)
Textanalyse Tool | Textprüfung - Schreibstil verbessern, Content optimieren
Gotenberg PDF API
CSS Text Gradient Generator | Colorffy
Use the Right Container Query Syntax
CSS container queries are finally here - Ahmad Shadeed
leeoniya/uPlot: 📈 A small, fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars