The Whole Spreadsheets as Databases Thing is Pretty Cool
Say You Need a Persistent Data Store Entirely on the Client-Side
Airtable API Tutorial with cURL and JavaScript
Mocky: The world easiest & fastest tool to mock your APIs
The Cost of Javascript Frameworks - Web Performance Consulting
All Origins
Hacking It Out: When CORS won’t let you be great
This API is so Fetching! - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
Cors proxies
Clean Up Your Mess - A Guide to Visual Design for Everyone
Mutation-first development: a call to action
My website is a shifting house next to a river of knowledge. What could yours be?
Apiary | How Apiary Works: Fast-track your API Design Process
Build an RSS reader with Alpine.js
Unholy Rails: Adding JavaScript to Rails · RailsApps
Downloading and Uploading Text Files Using the Dropbox JavaScript SDK
Bootstrapping a CLI PHP application in Vanilla PHP
Fabric.js Javascript Canvas Library
Best WordPress Directory Plugin – 2020
How to Build WordPress Directory and Classifieds Sites using Toolset
How key-based cache expiration works
The Leading HTML to PDF conversion API
WebRTC samples
German Market - Mach deinen WooCommerce Shop rechtssicher
4 CSS Grid Properties (and One Value) for Most of Your Layout Needs | CSS-Tricks