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Should You Burn Energy While Fasting - YouTube
Should You Burn Energy While Fasting - YouTube
AVAILABLE NOW: Dr. Group's newest book — "The Power of Fasting". Master the ancient technique of fasting in your own life for sustained weight loss, unmatched energy, and health regeneration. Buy it here ➜➜ PRE-ORDER NOW: Dr. Group's newest book — The Power of Fasting. Master the ancient technique of fasting in your own life for sustained weight loss, unmatched energy, and health regeneration. Dr. Group is back responding to your questions. Have something you want to ask? Post it below! Read about “The Stages of Fasting: What Happens To Your Body When You Fast?” here: ➤➤ Viewer asked: "Why would you want to avoid burning energy when you are fasting if your goal is to detox the stuff that is stored in your fat cells from your system by burning fat?" ------ Subscribe to Global Healing Center: Sign up for our monthly Live Healthy newsletter: Like Dr. Group: ------- View Our Top Selling Products:'tBurnEnergyWhileFasting_Signature_ViewTopSelling Live Healthier with Our Health Articles:'tBurnEnergyWhileFasting_Signature_Articles Read more about Dr. Group:'tBurnEnergyWhileFasting_Signature_DrG Dr. Edward Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM is the founder and CEO of Global Healing Center. He assumes a hands-on approach to producing new and advanced life-changing products and information to help you maintain a clean body and live a healthy lifestyle. It's Global Healing Center's mission to bring back good health, positive thinking, happiness, and love. ------- Follow us to Live Healthy! Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: -------- The statements expressed by Dr. Group, Global Healing Center and their partners are published for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for professional medical advice. #Fasting #WaterFast #GlobalHealingCenter #LiveHealthy #HealthSupplements ____________ - Help us Make America Healthy and FREE Again:
Should You Burn Energy While Fasting - YouTube
Stay Away From The Keto Diet If...You Have This Issue Plus Your Keto Questions Answered (Q&A) - YouTube
Stay Away From The Keto Diet If...You Have This Issue Plus Your Keto Questions Answered (Q&A) - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - Stay Away From The Keto Diet If...You Have This Issue Plus Your Keto Questions Answered If you have had your gall bladder removed, be very cautious about following a ketogenic diet. The high fat content of the diet might create excessive stress on the liver and lead to gut irritation and the symptoms of IBS. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Stay Away From The Keto Diet If...You Have This Issue Plus Your Keto Questions Answered (Q&A) - YouTube
The 5-2 Diet and the Fasting-Mimicking Diet Put to the Test - YouTube
The 5-2 Diet and the Fasting-Mimicking Diet Put to the Test - YouTube
The effects of eating only 5 days a week or a fasting-mimicking diet 5 days a month. Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: How interesting was that?! All-you-can-eat above-ground vegetables for 5 days would have that same low amount of protein, sugars, and calories with zero animal protein or animal fat. But, we’ll probably never know if it works as well, better, or worse since it’s hard to imagine such a study ever getting done without the financial incentive. More on IGF-1 in my video Animal Protein Compared to Cigarette Smoking ( So far in this fasting series I’ve covered the basics of calories and weight loss: • The 3,500 Calorie per Pound Rule Is Wrong ( • The Reason Weight Loss Plateaus When You Diet ( • The New Calories per Pound of Weight Loss Rule? ( • The Benefits of Calorie Restriction for Longevity ( • Potential Pitfalls of Calorie Restriction ( …water-only fasting: • Benefits of Fasting for Weight Loss Put to the Test ( • Is Fasting Beneficial for Weight Loss? ( • Is Fasting for Weight Loss Safe? ( …and types of alternate-day fasting: • Alternate-Day Intermittent Fasting Put to the Test ( • Is Alternate-Day Intermittent Fasting Safe? ( • Does Intermittent Fasting Increase Human Life Expectancy? ( I close it out with time-restricted eating in Time-Restricted Eating Put to the Test ( and The Benefits of Early Time-Restricted Eating (, coming up soon. If you want them all in one place, I’ve also done three webinars on fasting, which are all available for download now at Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Captions for this video are available in several languages. To find yours, click on the settings wheel on the lower-right of the video and then "Subtitles/CC." Do you have feedback about the translations in this video? Please share it here along with the title of the video and language: Image credit: Couleur / pixnio • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): • Shop:
The 5-2 Diet and the Fasting-Mimicking Diet Put to the Test - YouTube
The Beginner's Guide to Keto - YouTube
The Beginner's Guide to Keto - YouTube
For those of you who have been following the videos on my channel, or have already subscribed, you’ll know that much of our content is related to the ketogenic diet (keto), or keto lifestyle, as I prefer to call it. The word diet to me has always been synonymous with discomfort and sacrificing the things we enjoy and generally putting our bodies through stress in order to lose weight; and I have never seen the keto lifestyle that way. I feel that the ketogenic lifestyle deserves to be called a diet as much as drinking water should be called a diet. It’s a science, and something that our bodies are designed for by nature. And I don’t mean pseudo-science, either. Keto is backed by some of the world’s leading experts on health and nutrition, and in many cultures and countries around the world, they are unaware of the word keto, it is simply a part of their day-to-day lives. The rest of us sit back and wonder why and how people in other countries can eat the things we’re told not to and not gain weight and have a longer life span than we do. In more extreme cases, some cultures who adopt the “keto” lifestyle of healthy high fat, low carb, do not know the meaning of the words obesity, tooth decay, diabetes, heart disease and more. They simply do not exist in their vocabularies. But the proof is in the pudding, as they say, and from personal experience I can tell you the lifestyle truly has amazing health benefits for the mind and body, that go beyond mere weight loss, (but let’s face it, the healthy weight loss part is icing on the cake! ;). While the word keto is thrown around very casually today as a trend, unfortunately many people simply aren’t as informed as they should be, so it is my hope in this short video, to summarize what it means for beginners, as well as how to do it correctly to see and experience the results. I have experienced first hand the amazing health benefits and have seen many changes since adopting the keto lifestyle and I feel it is my duty and pleasure to share this with as many people as I can. Be sure to explore my channel, as we have many videos on this subject and, of course, many, many more to come. So if you haven’t already subscribed, hit that button, and get notified every time we release a new keto-friendly recipe, (every Wednesday morning), or a new video blog on the subject. So, I hope this information helps you, and please feel free to share and comment, ask questions, tell us what YOU would like to know about keto for future videos. And of course, as always, thank you for watching :) -Naomi Creamy MCT: For more info, and to learn more about what products I have on offer, and to learn more about what we do, read blogs, find new and exciting recipes and SO much more, be sure to visit my website at… Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Amazon: _______________________ My Mission Our health and wellness is our most precious possession. My goal is to help you not just survive but thrive by optimizing our vitality through functional foods, through nutrients, through movement (exercise), through beauty and through self-care. I’ve always considered myself a guide, an explorer, a discoverer who isn’t content with simply being told that things are the way they are. It’s this insatiable curiosity that leads me to travel, to touch and experience for myself, and see with my own eyes, to draw information and learnings from cultures all over our globe in order to share them with you so that we can all live a better life. Join me on this journey and allow me to guide you to your better life today. ____________________________________________ Be sure to hit subscribe to get notified about upcoming content. We will be uploading at least 3 videos every week on themes related to nutrition, beauty, exercise, wellness and self care, functional foods and nutrients, travel and learning about how different cultures eat and discovering the secrets of longevity. We’ll be uploading how to’s, tips and lists, recipes, live Q&A’s, travel videos, and lots of exciting (and educational content). We will be going off the beaten path in search of new and exciting ideas to help you enjoy a more vibrant and fulfilling life, and a better you. So join me in this adventure. Subscribe, leave feedback and comments, if you like the video hit the like button, your feedback is very important to me.
The Beginner's Guide to Keto - YouTube
The Evidence Against the Ketogenic Diet for Cancer
The Evidence Against the Ketogenic Diet for Cancer
Numerous studies have shown that low-carb and ketogenic diets do not reverse cancer, can speed up cancer growth, and increase your risk of an early death.
The Evidence Against the Ketogenic Diet for Cancer
The Stages of Fasting What Happens To Your Body When You Fast
The Stages of Fasting What Happens To Your Body When You Fast
Global Healing is a family-owned brand of natural nutritional supplements and detox programs made with pure ingredients used to support you through every step of your health journey.
The Stages of Fasting What Happens To Your Body When You Fast
THE TOP 9 KETO MISTAKES That Sabotage Your Results!!! - YouTube
THE TOP 9 KETO MISTAKES That Sabotage Your Results!!! - YouTube
The Keto Diet is the HOTTEST diet in the world, and for GOOD reason! It's fantastic for weight loss, fat burning, muscle building, insulin resistance and hormone regulation...BUT, you may be losing ALL the health benefits and sabotaging your effort by making MISTAKES you're not even aware of!!! In this video, I will show you "THE TOP 9 KETO MISTAKES!" Why you may be eating the wrong fats and in the wrong percentage, why eating too much protein is bad or how important your gut health is...and much much more!!! FOR EVEN BETTER RESULTS Use this link to get your 15% off discount on KetoMojo test kits Check out my video on MCT Oil! Instagram SKYROCKET your KETO results by avoiding these common mistakes and watch your weight loss and overall health GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL! God Bless Dr. Nick ***My ULTIMATE KETO COURSE with Dr. Nick*** Spots are limited so please register fast! If you would like to schedule a private conference call with me use this link: Butcher Box is by far the best company for high quality meat, poultry and even fish at very affordable prices! Natures Way MCT Oil Bulletproof XCT Oil Perfect Keto MCT Oil
THE TOP 9 KETO MISTAKES That Sabotage Your Results!!! - YouTube
Time Restricted Eating Put to the Test - YouTube
Time Restricted Eating Put to the Test - YouTube
Are there benefits to giving yourself a bigger daily break from eating? Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: Isn’t that mindblowing about the circadian rhythm stuff? Calories in the morning count less and are healthier than calories in the evening. So if you’re going to skip a meal to widen your daily fasting window, skip dinner instead of breakfast. I’ll get to the best-of-both worlds study next in The Benefits of Early Time-Restricted Eating ( If you missed any of the previous 12 videos in this fasting series, here they are: • The 3,500 Calorie per Pound Rule Is Wrong ( • The Reason Weight Loss Plateaus When You Diet ( • The New Calories per Pound of Weight Loss Rule? ( • The Benefits of Calorie Restriction for Longevity ( • Potential Pitfalls of Calorie Restriction ( • Benefits of Fasting for Weight Loss Put to the Test ( • Is Fasting Beneficial for Weight Loss? ( • Is Fasting for Weight Loss Safe? ( • Alternate-Day Intermittent Fasting Put to the Test ( • Is Alternate-Day Intermittent Fasting Safe? ( • Does Intermittent Fasting Increase Human Life Expectancy? ( • The 5:2 Diet and the Fasting-Mimicking Diet Put to the Test ( If you missed my last video of the day, it’s the exciting announcement that How Not to Diet is hitting shelves on December 10. Check out the book trailer [here], and you can still pre-order the book ( to get it right when it comes out. Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Captions for this video are available in several languages. To find yours, click on the settings wheel on the lower-right of the video and then "Subtitles/CC." Do you have feedback about the translations in this video? Please share it here along with the title of the video and language: Image credit: Monoar Rahman Rony / pixabay • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): • Shop:
Time Restricted Eating Put to the Test - YouTube
Top 5 Low Carb Fruits for Keto Over 40 - YouTube
Top 5 Low Carb Fruits for Keto Over 40 - YouTube
Claim your FREE guide to the healthiest diet! ➤➤ Learn the benefits of shopping for fruit at your local farmer's markets by visiting my article ➤➤ Finding low carb foods isn’t easy, especially on a keto diet. When it comes to managing carb intake, many people simply avoid fruits altogether because they think they contain too many carbs. But what if I told you there are five fruits that you can add to your diet without killing it? In today’s video, I’ll share them with you! Subscribe to learn more ➤➤ Dr. Edward Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM is the founder and CEO of Global Healing. He assumes a hands-on approach in producing new and advanced life-changing products and information to help you maintain a clean body and live a healthy lifestyle. It's the Global Healing mission to bring back good health, positive thinking, happiness, and love. ------- Meet Dr. Group ➤➤ ------- Connect with Dr. Group on social media! ➤➤ ------- The statements expressed by Dr. Group, Global Healing, and its partners are published for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for professional medical advice. #naturopathy #drgroup #intermittentfasting ____________ - Help us Make America Healthy and FREE Again:
Top 5 Low Carb Fruits for Keto Over 40 - YouTube
Why I Chose a Ketogenic Diet For Diabetes Management
Why I Chose a Ketogenic Diet For Diabetes Management
I am a retired physician living with Type 1 diabetes since 1998. I follow a ketogenic diet for diabetes management, and maintain nutritional ketosis. I participate in endurance sports.
Why I Chose a Ketogenic Diet For Diabetes Management
Will The Keto Diet Work For Me Benefits of A Ketogenic Approach - YouTube
Will The Keto Diet Work For Me Benefits of A Ketogenic Approach - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - Will The Keto Diet Work For Me? Benefits of A Ketogenic Approach Keto diets have been proven to be beneficial for those with diabetes, high cholesterol, epilepsy, insulin resistance, celiac disease, and many other health problems. One of the major benefits of keto is that it is a gluten free diet. Many with celiac or gluten intolerance go keto and notice health improvements. Eating keto is also helpful for those eating a carbohydrate toxic diet. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Will The Keto Diet Work For Me Benefits of A Ketogenic Approach - YouTube