Quercetin Offers Antiviral Effects NaturalHealth365
Dr. Cheng Reveals Truth About Vitamin C NaturalHealth365
Early Large Dose Intravenous Vitamin C is the Treatment of Choice for 2019-nCov Pneumonia
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Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy Against Corona Virus - Jeffrey Dach MD
Challenge-Rechallenge Data from Switzerland reveals Efficacy of Hydroxyxhloroquine Against Corona Virus.
Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Increased Bronchial Responsiveness during Upper Airway Infection
High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for COVID-19
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Hospital-based Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses
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IV Vitamin C Protocols Approved for Coronavirus NaturalHealth365
IV Vitamin C Therapy for Lung Health Problems NaturalHealth365
Medical Ignorance and the Mass Murder of Coronavirus Patients
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More Vitamin C Studies Approved in China to Fight Coronavirus Therapy Censored in U.S.
On January 27, 2020 we published a press release from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service regarding Vitamin C and its use in treating the Coronavirus. It soon went viral on Facebook, until Facebook labeled it as "Fake News." Facebook partners with a website called "Lead Stories" to discredit news stories they do not want becoming popular on Facebook. Health Impact News is a popular target of "Lead Stories." Since we published this news release in January, however, several hospitals in China have begun to conduct trials on intravenous Vitamin C therapy, so it is hardly "Fake News" as Facebook is claiming. In fact, Facebook is the one guilty of promoting "Fake News" by erroneously claiming there is no proof that Vitamin C can help combat the Coronavirus, when in fact clinical research trials are well underway in China with ample evidence that should be shared with the public, and not suppressed, simply because U.S. sources in bed with Big Pharma do not want the public to have this information. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service editor Andrew Saul has just published an updated report, and he notes: "The World Health Organization (WHO) has, literally, met with Google and Facebook and other media giants to stop the spread of what they declare to be wrong information. Physician-directed, hospital-based administration of intravenous vitamin C has been marginalized or discredited. Scientific debate over COVID-19 appears to not be allowed. Ironically, Facebook, blocking any significant users' sharing of the news of approved vitamin therapy research, is itself blocked in China by the Chinese government. As for the internet, yes, China has it. And yes, it is censored. But, significantly, the Chinese government has not blocked this real news on how intravenous vitamin C will save lives in the COVID-19 epidemic." Hence, the news about Vitamin C therapy helping with the Coronavirus outbreak is found mostly in Chinese language websites, endorsed by the Communist China Government's controlled media, but mostly banned in the English language social media platforms like Facebook, or censored from Google search results.
News Media Attacks Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19 Coronavirus Yet Ascorbate is a Proven, Powerful Antiviral
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Hydroxychloroquine found to significantly reduce COVID-19 death rate
Nutrients Free Full-Text Vitamin C—An Adjunctive Therapy for Respiratory Infection, Sepsis and COVID-19 HTML
There are limited proven therapies for COVID-19. Vitamin C’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effects make it a potential therapeutic candidate, both for the prevention and amelioration of COVID-19 infection, and as an adjunctive therapy in the critical care of COVID-19. This literature review focuses on vitamin C deficiency in respiratory infections, including COVID-19, and the mechanisms of action in infectious disease, including support of the stress response, its role in preventing and treating colds and pneumonia, and its role in treating sepsis and COVID-19. The evidence to date indicates that oral vitamin C (2–8 g/day) may reduce the incidence and duration of respiratory infections and intravenous vitamin C (6–24 g/day) has been shown to reduce mortality, intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital stays, and time on mechanical ventilation for severe respiratory infections. Further trials are urgently warranted. Given the favourable safety profile and low cost of vitamin C, and the frequency of vitamin C deficiency in respiratory infections, it may be worthwhile testing patients’ vitamin C status and treating them accordingly with intravenous administration within ICUs and oral administration in hospitalised persons with COVID-19.
Pneumonia Reversed Naturally by Medical Student NaturalHealth365
Psychopharmacology of COVID-19 Vitamin C
With the rapid, global spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, hospitals have become inundated with patients suffering from coronavirus disease 2019. Consultation-liaison psychiatrists are actively involved in managing these patients ...
Published Research and Articles on Vitamin C as a Consideration for Pneumonia, Lung Infections, and the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2COVID-19)
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Quercetin with vitamin C together more effective at fighting inflammation
Shanghai Gov't Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19 NaturalHealth365
Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19
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Successful High-Dose Vitamin C Treatment of Patients with Serious and Critical COVID-19 Infection
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Inhaled budesonide in the treatment of early COVID-19 (STOIC) a phase 2, open-label, randomised controlled trial - The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Early administration of inhaled budesonide reduced the likelihood of needing urgent medical care and reduced time to recovery after early COVID-19.
Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID-19
Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID
Anyone saying that vitamin therapy can stop coronavirus is already being labeled as "promoting false information" and promulgating "fake news" even when suggests otherwise
Three novel prevention, diagnostic, and treatment options for COVID-19 urgently necessitating controlled randomized trials
Asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic infection with COVID-19 can result in silent transmission to large numbers of individuals, resulting in expansion of the pandemic with a global increase in morbidity and mortality. New ways of screening the general ...
Two known therapies could be useful as adjuvant therapy in critical patients infected by COVID-19 Vitamin C
La neumonía causada por coronavirus, que se originó en Wuhan, China, a finales de 2019, se ha extendido por todo el mundo convirtiéndose en una pandemia. Desafortunadamente, a día de hoy no existe ninguna vacuna específica ...
Vitamin C and COVID-19 Coronavirus
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Vitamin C and Its Remarkable Record NaturalHealth365
Vitamin C as a Possible Therapy for COVID-19