Ultimate Guide to Healing Leaky Gut - With Dr. Osborne - YouTube
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Ultimate Guide to Healing Leaky Gut - With Dr. Osborne
Here are the supplement to support Leaky Gut discussed in this video:
Detox C - https://bit.ly/2lTLQVW
Vitamin D -
Ultra Turmeric - https://bit.ly/2nKCVaJ
Inflame Repair (Ultra Q) - https://bit.ly/2n5UNwk
UltraImmune IgG - https://bit.ly/2mTYuVA
Ultra Biotic Defense - https://bit.ly/2nQGNqw
Fiber Supplement - https://bit.ly/2n1Rkii
GI Soothe -
Gluten Shield - https://bit.ly/2oujTFw
Ultra Acid - https://bit.ly/2nFBz0R
Leaky gut, AKA - intestinal hyperpermeability, is a phenomenon in which the natural barriers of the GI tract fail and allow for the leakage or passage of potentially toxic substances from the gut lumen into the blood stream.
Healing leaky gut requires an understanding of what causes it. Gluten sensitivity is a major trigger, but other triggers include:
Medications, pesticides, antibiotics, processed food additives, food allergens, overeating, and more. Identifying these causes and removing them is an essential step in healing leaky gut syndrome
If you are struggling with leaky gut, food allergies, and autoimmune problems, but don't know why, this video from Dr. Peter Osborne will help shed light on what you can naturally do to recover.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.