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Critical race theory : an introduction - Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
Critical race theory : an introduction - Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
"Critical Race Theory is essential for understanding developments in this burgeoning field, which has spread to other disciplines and countries. The new edition also covers the ways in which other societies and disciplines adapt its teachings and, for readers wanting to advance a progressive race agenda, includes new questions for discussion, aimed at outlining practical steps to achieve this objective"--
Critical race theory : an introduction - Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
Before the streetlights come on : Black America's urgent call for climate solutions - Heather McTeer Toney
Before the streetlights come on : Black America's urgent call for climate solutions - Heather McTeer Toney
"Climate change. Two words that are quickly becoming the clarion call to action in the twenty-first century. It is a voter issue, an economy driver, and a defining dynamic for the foreseeable future. Yet, in Black communities, climate change is seen as less urgent when compared to other pressing issues, including police brutality, gun violence, job security, food insecurity, and the blatant racism faced daily around the country. However, with Black Americans disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change--making up 13 percent of the US population but breathing 40 percent dirtier air and being twice as likely to be hospitalized or die from climate-related health problems than white counterparts--climate change is a central issue of racial justice and affects every aspect of life for Black communities. In Before the Streetlights Come On, climate activist Heather McTeer Toney insists that those most affected by climate change are best suited to lead the movement for climate justice. McTeer Toney brings her background in politics, community advocacy, and leadership in environmental justice to this revolutionary exploration of why and how Black Americans are uniquely qualified to lead national and global conversations around systems of racial disparity and solutions to the climate crisis. As our country delves deeper into solutions for systemic racism and past injustices, she argues, the environmental movement must shift direction and leadership toward those most affected and most affecting change: Black communities."--
Before the streetlights come on : Black America's urgent call for climate solutions - Heather McTeer Toney
Barred : why the innocent can't get out of prison - Daniel S. Medwed
Barred : why the innocent can't get out of prison - Daniel S. Medwed
"Tens of thousands of innocent people are behind bars for offenses ranging from misdemeanors to capital crimes. But proving their innocence in the court of law is extraordinarily difficult. After conviction, the presumption of innocence vanishes, and a new presumption of guilt forms and ossifies over time. Our criminal justice system values finality over accuracy, even if it comes at the cost of an innocent person's wrongful conviction and even when there's good evidence they haven't committed the crime. In Barred, acclaimed legal scholar and pioneering innocence advocate Daniel Medwed argues that our justice system's stringent procedural rules are to blame for the ongoing punishment of the innocent. Every state gives criminal defendants just one opportunity to appeal their convictions to a higher court. Afterward, the wrongfully accused can pursue various post-conviction remedies, but all too often they fall short in leading to exoneration. Because of narrow guidelines and deferential attitudes toward lower courts, higher courts tend to uphold convictions, even when there is compelling evidence of a miscarriage of justice. And although the executive branch holds the power to release people who are in custody, it exercises this power sparingly and views with intense suspicion those who insist upon their innocence. The result is that a startling number of people are incarcerated for crimes they didn't commit; highly-publicized death-row exonerations are just the tip of the iceberg. The regime is stacked against the innocent, Medwed concludes, and the appellate and post-conviction process must be entirely overhauled. Through heart-wrenching real-life stories, alongside accessible descriptions of complex legal procedures, Barred exposes how our legal system perpetuates gross injustice and issues a powerful call for change"--
Barred : why the innocent can't get out of prison - Daniel S. Medwed
#MeToo effect : what happens when we believe women - Leigh Gilmore
#MeToo effect : what happens when we believe women - Leigh Gilmore
Leigh Gilmore provides a new account of #MeToo that reveals how storytelling by survivors propelled the call for sexual justice beyond courts and high-profile cases. She reframes #MeToo as a breakthrough moment within a longer history of feminist thought and activism.
#MeToo effect : what happens when we believe women - Leigh Gilmore
Here are 19 books our critics are excited for this summer
Here are 19 books our critics are excited for this summer
We asked some of our regular book critics what soon-to-be-published titles they are most looking forward to reading this summer. Here's what they said.
The Fear of Too Much Justice by Stephen Bright and James Kwak
Here are 19 books our critics are excited for this summer
School librarians felt vilified as pornographers. Now they must navigate a new law.
School librarians felt vilified as pornographers. Now they must navigate a new law.
Indiana school librarians worry a new law banning materials that are “obscene” or “harmful to minors” will cause them to essentially self-censor when picking books, cutting LGBTQ students off from material they might connect with. Supporters of the law say it will protect children from pornographic…
School librarians felt vilified as pornographers. Now they must navigate a new law.
University of Arizona Innocence Project gets federal grant to expand its work
University of Arizona Innocence Project gets federal grant to expand its work
An Arizona organization working to investigate and litigate cases of wrongful conviction in Arizona will receive funding from the Department of Justice to continue that work.The University of Arizona Innocence Project started as a small clinic in 2014 and today it's one of two such initiatives in Arizona.
University of Arizona Innocence Project gets federal grant to expand its work
Suicide: Why We Need to Talk About It
Suicide: Why We Need to Talk About It
By Rebecca Plevel (Follow us on LinkedIn) Please note that this post discusses suicide and its impact on survivors. Some individuals may find these topics distressing and triggering. If you ne…
Suicide: Why We Need to Talk About It
U.S. Border Asylum Policy Enters New Territory Post-Title 42
U.S. Border Asylum Policy Enters New Territory Post-Title 42
The United States entered a new era with the end of the pandemic-era Title 42 expulsions policy. The government’s hopes of maintaining order at the U.S.-Mexico border post-Title 42 may be complicated by factors including authorities’ limited capacity, ongoing litigation, and cooperation from other countries. This article reviews the Biden administration's changing border policies and possible challenges ahead.
U.S. Border Asylum Policy Enters New Territory Post-Title 42
Minneapolis reaches settlements in 2 suits alleging then-officer Derek Chauvin used excessive force years before George Floyd's killing | CNN
Minneapolis reaches settlements in 2 suits alleging then-officer Derek Chauvin used excessive force years before George Floyd's killing | CNN
The city of Minneapolis has reached settlements totaling more than $8.8 million in two civil lawsuits that accuse former police officer Derek Chauvin of using excessive force in two incidents that happened nearly three years before he killed George Floyd during an arrest.
Minneapolis reaches settlements in 2 suits alleging then-officer Derek Chauvin used excessive force years before George Floyd's killing | CNN
Publishers should do more to fight book bans
Publishers should do more to fight book bans
With a lawsuit filed last week Pen America, Penguin Random House, authors, and parents began fighting book bans. Other publishers should help.
Publishers should do more to fight book bans
Re-imagining the Notion of "Pride" in the Legal Profession - Slaw
Re-imagining the Notion of "Pride" in the Legal Profession - Slaw
The Path to Pride The year is 2001. The legal profession in Ontario is in disarray after several law students at the University of Toronto’s law school were caught fraudulently altering their grades to secure prestigious Bay Street summer positions. Many of these students were disciplined. Yet, in the eyes of the legal priesthood, this […]
Re-imagining the Notion of "Pride" in the Legal Profession - Slaw
Death of 8-year-old girl in Border Patrol custody highlights challenges providing medical care
Death of 8-year-old girl in Border Patrol custody highlights challenges providing medical care
The death in Border Patrol custody of an 8-year-old Panamanian girl is the second child migrant fatality in two weeks under government supervision, raising questions about how prepared authorities are to address medical emergencies of people arriving after an often-exhausting journey. A rush to the border before pandemic-related asylum limits known as Title 42 expired fueled a sharp increase of people in custody. The growing presence of families and unaccompanied children over the last decade presents authorities with enormous responsibilities for medical care. At least six children died in custody during a roughly year-long period from 2018 to 2019.
Death of 8-year-old girl in Border Patrol custody highlights challenges providing medical care
US Border Patrol says agents who killed man in Arizona were answering report of gunfire
US Border Patrol says agents who killed man in Arizona were answering report of gunfire
Authorities say U.S. Border Patrol agents answering reports of gunfire shot and killed a man on a tribal reservation in southern Arizona after he threw something and abruptly raised his arm. The Thursday night death of Raymond Mattia is under investigation by the FBI and Tohono O’odham Nation. A statement Monday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection says tribal police had asked Border Patrol agents for help in responding to a report of shots fired near the home of a man in a tribal community near the U.S.-Mexico border. The statement says three Border Patrol agents opened fire after encountering a man who threw some kind of object and “abruptly extended” his arm.
US Border Patrol says agents who killed man in Arizona were answering report of gunfire
From "A History of Exclusion" to "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion": What May Have Gone Wrong in the Pursuit of the New Notion of Professionalism - Slaw
From "A History of Exclusion" to "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion": What May Have Gone Wrong in the Pursuit of the New Notion of Professionalism - Slaw
Today, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“DEI”) practices have become indispensable in almost every legal workplace. DEI practices aim to promote a new notion of professionalism, one where individuals from all walks of life enjoy fair treatment and full participation. “Merry Christmas” has become “Happy Holidays”. Profiles of Black and Asian-looking lawyers surge during Black History […]
From "A History of Exclusion" to "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion": What May Have Gone Wrong in the Pursuit of the New Notion of Professionalism - Slaw
Civ Pro: How Do I Serve Someone Who Is Incarcerated? — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Civ Pro: How Do I Serve Someone Who Is Incarcerated? — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
In Texas, whenever a civil lawsuit is filed, the other party must be served with the starting papers to know they are being sued and why. This is the same for divorce suits, Suits Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship, Modifications, etc., unless the other party is willing to sign an Answer or
Civ Pro: How Do I Serve Someone Who Is Incarcerated? — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library