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Are you getting enough Vitamin B12 Here's what to look out for! - YouTube
Are you getting enough Vitamin B12 Here's what to look out for! - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - Best supplemental sources of vitamin B12: Methylcobalamin - Hydroxycobalamin - B Complete - The work that vitamins and nutrients are doing within our bodies can’t always be seen, therefore, it’s easy to overlook their value. However, when one is deficient in even one of these important components, there can be severe reactions. Below are just some of the issues you may experience if you are not obtaining enough Vitamin B12: Anemia, which leads to severe fatigue, shortness of breath, and brain fog Depression Neuropathy in the form of numbness, pain, or muscle weakness (often mimicking Multiple Sclerosis) Alzheimer’s disease and dementia Joint pain Lethargy Hair loss, glossitis (a red swollen tongue), and swollen gums To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Peter Osborne is one of the most sought after alternative and nutritional experts in the world. A Diplomate with the American Clinical Board of Nutrition, a graduate of Texas Chiropractic College, and a doctor of pastoral science, Dr. Osborne is one of the world’s leading authorities on gluten, nutrition, and natural health. He is the founder, one of the world's largest informational sites on gluten sensitivity. In addition, he is the author of the best selling book, No Grain No Pain, published by Touchstone (Simon & Schuster). His work has been featured by PBS, Netflix, Amazon, Fox, and many other nationally recognized outlets. For more information, visit us at or call 281-903-7527
Are you getting enough Vitamin B12 Here's what to look out for! - YouTube
The Scariest Things About Gluten! - YouTube
The Scariest Things About Gluten! - YouTube
Click here to take my gluten quiz - To some, a diet free of gluten or grains is a frightening prospect. However, the effects of their continued consumption can be downright terrifying. Join us for this special Halloween episode of Pick Dr. Osborne's Brain(s)...that is, of course, if you're brave enough. 00:55 Horrible Breath? Tonsil Stones? Horrific smells... 01:50 Foul Gas - Could mean hyperinflammation in your gut 02:20 The Neurological Impacts of Gluten (i.e. sudden loss of balance) 04:40 How gluten can maim and disfigure joints! 06:30 Lymphoma... this can literally kill you. 07:20 Cancer & Gluten need to knows 08:40 Beware of contaminated medicine and supplements 11:45 Gluten consumption CAN increase your mortality rate 14:00 Answering your scariest gluten questions, live! Looking for some of the mentioned supplements? Check out these grain free formulas below: Hist Assist (allergy support) - Vitamin C - Gluten Shield (digestive enzyme) - L-Glutamine - Ultra Biotic Defense (probiotic) - Melatonin - To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
The Scariest Things About Gluten! - YouTube
Ego Pandemic
Ego Pandemic
Forty years ago, I read: “The ego does not want to change, it does not want to listen, it does not want to take advice, it does not want to be pointed out as being in the wrong, it does not want to be told anything different from the way it perceives things. It is... View Article
Ego Pandemic
Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity - PubMed
Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity - PubMed
Vitamin D deficiency co-exists in patients with COVID-19. At this time, dark skin color, increased age, the presence of pre-existing illnesses and vitamin D deficiency are features of severe COVID disease. Of these, only vitamin D deficiency is modifiable. Through its interactions with a multitude o …
Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity - PubMed
Fucoidan Protects Against High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity and Modulates Gut Microbiota in Institute of Cancer Research Mice Journal of Medicinal Food
Fucoidan Protects Against High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity and Modulates Gut Microbiota in Institute of Cancer Research Mice Journal of Medicinal Food
Fucoidan possesses various biological activities, such as anticoagulant, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, potential antioxidant, and others. In this study, we investigated the effect of fucoidan on high-fat diet-induced obesity, inflammation, and gut microbiota in Institute of Cancer Research mice. Mice were gavaged with 50 mg/(kg·d) (Fuc0.5 group) or 250 mg/(kg·d) (Fuc2.5 group) of fucoidan for 5 weeks. Fucoidan alleviated obesity and tissue damage by decreasing body weight and body mass index, decreasing body weight gain, improved organ index, liver steatosis, and improved the structure of the small intestine. In addition, fucoidan decreased total cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Moreover, fucoidan reduced serum lipopolysaccharide concentrations, tumor necrosis factor-α, and total bile acid. Furthermore, fucoidan improved the structure of gut microbiota and significantly increased the abundance (Shannon diversity index, evenness, and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii) determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and quantitative PCR. In conclusion, our study provides a scientific basis for fucoidan as a functional food for modulating the gut microbiota and protecting against obesity.
Fucoidan Protects Against High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity and Modulates Gut Microbiota in Institute of Cancer Research Mice Journal of Medicinal Food
NIH admits Fauci lied about funding Wuhan gain-of-function experiments Washington Examiner
NIH admits Fauci lied about funding Wuhan gain-of-function experiments Washington Examiner
Two years after Wuhan hosted the 2019 Military World Games, determined to be one of the planet's first superspreader events of the novel coronavirus pandemic, a top official at the National Institutes of Health has conceded that the agency did indeed fund highly dangerous gain-of-function research on bat-borne coronaviruses in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
NIH admits Fauci lied about funding Wuhan gain-of-function experiments Washington Examiner
Leeland Jones
Leeland Jones
Read all of the posts by leelandj4 on Don't Speak News
Leeland Jones
Worse Than the Disease Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research
Worse Than the Disease Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research
Operation Warp Speed brought to market in the United States two mRNA vaccines, produced by Pfizer and Moderna. Interim data suggested high efficacy for both of these vaccines, which helped legitimize Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA. However, the exceptionally rapid movement of these vaccines through controlled trials and into mass deployment raises multiple safety concerns. In this review we first describe the technology underlying these vaccines in detail. We then review both components of and the intended biological response to these vaccines, including production of the spike protein itself, and their potential relationship to a wide range of both acute and long-term induced pathologies, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases. Among these potential induced pathologies, we discuss the relevance of prion-protein-related amino acid sequences within the spike protein. We also present a brief review of studies supporting the potential for spike protein “shedding”, transmission of the protein from a vaccinated to an unvaccinated person, resulting in symptoms induced in the latter. We finish by addressing a common point of debate, namely, whether or not these vaccines could modify the DNA of those receiving the vaccination. While there are no studies demonstrating definitively that this is happening, we provide a plausible scenario, supported by previously established pathways for transformation and transport of genetic material, whereby injected mRNA could ultimately be incorporated into germ cell DNA for transgenerational transmission. We conclude with our recommendations regarding surveillance that will help to clarify the long-term effects of these experimental drugs and allow us to better assess the true risk/benefit ratio of these novel technologies.
Worse Than the Disease Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research