A translational study of Galectin-3 as an early biomarker and potential therapeutic target for ischemic-reperfusion induced acute kidney injury - ScienceDirect
A translational study of Galectin-3 as an early biomarker and potential therapeutic target for ischemic-reperfusion induced acute kidney injury - ScienceDirect
We evaluated Galectin-3 (Gal-3) as a potential early biomarker of acute kidney disease (AKI), and the effect of Gal-3 inhibition by modified citrus pe…
A translational study of Galectin-3 as an early biomarker and potential therapeutic target for ischemic-reperfusion induced acute kidney injury - ScienceDirect
Dipyridamole Eye Drops
Dipyridamole Eye Drops
Dipyridamole is a drug in use for the past 55 years for treating heart conditions. In 2012 a breakthrough was reached when Moshe Rogosnitzky discovered that dipyridamole eye drops are effective in treating difficult eye conditions such as dry eye, pterygium, pinguecula, cataract, nevus and a variety of other eye disorders.
Dipyridamole Eye Drops
Infant Gut Microbiome Associated with Cognitive Development - Biologic (...)
Infant Gut Microbiome Associated with Cognitive Development - Biologic (...)
Studies in rodents provide compelling evidence that microorganisms inhabiting the gut influence neurodevelopment. In particular, experimental manipulations that alter intestinal microbiota impact exploratory and communicative behaviors and cognitive performance. In humans, the first years of life are a dynamic time in gut colonization and brain development, but little is known about the relationship between these two processes.
Infant Gut Microbiome Associated with Cognitive Development - Biologic (...)