Kill Bed Bugs safely with Diatomaceous Earth from Dirt Works
Kill Bed Bugs safely with Diatomaceous Earth from Dirt Works
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Kill Bed Bugs safely with Diatomaceous Earth from Dirt Works
How simply going to the bathroom can help you detox - YouTube
How simply going to the bathroom can help you detox - YouTube
Think you might be gluten sensitive? Take the quiz: https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/gluten-sensitivity-intolerance-self-test/ Urination - now a lot of people fail here in my experience because they're dehydrated and so they're getting less out through the kidneys. What you're really doing is you're concentrating toxins in your blood and you're putting more pressure on your kidney but there's not enough fluid to dilute some of those toxins so you can actually make the problem worse so it's very very important that you have adequate water. If you're trying to do a detox or if you're embarking on a detox most people will say six 8oz glasses a day. The way I like to base a detox is that a person is going to the bathroom to urinate six to eight times a day, that way we get adequate dilution. Another way to get rid of garbage is by having a bowel movement. This is a critical piece. What is the purpose of eating food? To extrapolate nutrients and to excrete waste. One of the things that happens is we get waste in the gi tract and the gallbladder which secretes bile the liver makes the bile the gallbladder produces a through its muscular action dumps that bile into your small intestine and then the bile helps to emulsify fat - it helps to break down fats and digest them and helps you basically to get fat absorbed. It helps to water solubilize fats in your diet so that they're absorbed into your bloodstream but one of the other things that bile does is it binds toxins in your GI tract. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: https://drpeterosborne.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorPeterOsborne/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/docosborne/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drosborne Twitter: https://twitter.com/glutenology *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Peter Osborne is one of the most sought after alternative and nutritional experts in the world. A Diplomate with the American Clinical Board of Nutrition, a graduate of Texas Chiropractic College, and a doctor of pastoral science, Dr. Osborne is one of the world’s leading authorities on gluten, nutrition, and natural health. He is the founder GlutenFreeSociety.org, one of the world's largest informational sites on gluten sensitivity. In addition, he is the author of the best selling book, No Grain No Pain, published by Touchstone (Simon & Schuster). His work has been featured by PBS, Netflix, Amazon, Fox, and many other nationally recognized outlets. For more information, visit us at https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/ or call 281-903-7527
How simply going to the bathroom can help you detox - YouTube
Dr. Peter A. McCullough joins Del in studio for a dive into the science of vaccinating for Covid, vaccinating your children for Covid, and the risks and benefits. Is the risk worth the benefit? Are we doing more harm than good? #DrPeterMcCullough #mRNASpikeProtein #EarlyCovidTreatment #Myocarditis POSTED: March 10, 2022
New FOIA requests have revealed that the U.S. government gave $1B to nearly every major news network in America to run pieces favorable to COVID vaccines leaving networks like The HighWire one of the few still left to give a more balanced view. #FOIA #TheBlaze #VaxPropaganda #HHS #WeCanDoThis POSTED: March 10, 2022
Covid Secrets Thank You - Dr. McCullough’s Proven COVID Treatments
Covid Secrets Thank You - Dr. McCullough’s Proven COVID Treatments
Thank you for claiming this free report and registering for this groundbreaking new 9-Episode Docuseries! You Can Access Your Ebook Below: Click Here to Download Dr. McCullough’s Proven COVID Treatments: Big Tech and the Corporate Media Censored THIS Information Congratulations! You’ve Made the First Step Towards Discovering the Truth About the Vaccine That They’ve Hidden … Thank You – Leading doctor Read More »
Covid Secrets Thank You - Dr. McCullough’s Proven COVID Treatments
Foods Free Full-Text Dry but Not Humid Thermal Processing of Aloe vera Gel Promotes Cytotoxicity on Human Intestinal Cells HT-29
Foods Free Full-Text Dry but Not Humid Thermal Processing of Aloe vera Gel Promotes Cytotoxicity on Human Intestinal Cells HT-29
Aloe vera products, both in food and cosmetics, are becoming increasingly popular due to their claimed beneficial effects, which are mainly attributed to the active compound acemannan. Usually, these end products are based on powdered starting materials. High temperatures during the drying process to obtain the starting materials have several advantages, like shortening the drying time, eliminating toxic aloin and reducing bacterial contamination. Nevertheless, there are two major drawbacks: first, at temperatures of 80 °C or higher, structural changes in acemannan, especially its deacetylation (>46%), are triggered, which does not happen at lower temperatures (14% at 60 °C); secondly, a toxic principle is formed at higher temperatures, resulting in a higher cytotoxicity. Thus, two temperature-dependent but opposing effects cause with a median cytotoxic concentration of CC50 = 0.4× a peak of cytotoxicity at 80 °C; at 60 °C this cytotoxic substance is not formed and at 100 °C aloin is more readily eliminated, resulting in a CC50 = 1.1× and CC50 = 1.4×, respectively. The cytotoxic substance generated by dry heat at 80 °C is not a modified polysaccharide because its polysaccharide-enriched alcohol-insoluble fraction is with CC50 = 0.9× less cytotoxic. Moreover, this substance is polar enough to be washed away with ethanol. Additionally, when Aloe gel is heated at 80 °C under humid conditions (pasteurization), the cytotoxicity does not increase (CC50 = 1.6×). Finally, to produce powdered starting materials from Aloe gel, it is recommended to use temperatures of around 60 °C in order to preserve the acemannan structure (and thus biological activity) and the low cytotoxicity.
Foods Free Full-Text Dry but Not Humid Thermal Processing of Aloe vera Gel Promotes Cytotoxicity on Human Intestinal Cells HT-29
1 The Pathology of Long Covid - Why Viral Debris May Be The Cause With Dr Bruce Patterson - YouTube
1 The Pathology of Long Covid - Why Viral Debris May Be The Cause With Dr Bruce Patterson - YouTube
In this second in the series of expert interviews, I talk with Dr Bruce Patterson about the pathology of Long Covid, his latest research results which suggest residual viral protein is responsible for triggering long haulers symptoms, and just what the implications of that might be for treatment and recovery. References: Patterson et al, paper 1: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.12.16.423122v1 Cheung et al, Viral debris in gut and liver: https://gut.bmj.com/content/early/2021/06/01/gutjnl-2021-324280 0:00 Introduction 0:25 Dr Patterson's background 2:43 Viral debris 6:52 Where is it coming from? 9:39 Is it specific to long haulers? 13:30 Why so many long haulers from wave 1? 16:35 Other evidence of viral persistence 19:20 The role of the gut 21:10 What about auto antibodies? 22:31 What role do hormones play? 24:53 Treatment 28:53 Can we treat the cause? 31:00 Do steroids have a role in treatment? 32:53 Dream research project 35:00 The third paper 35:47 Conclusion
1 The Pathology of Long Covid - Why Viral Debris May Be The Cause With Dr Bruce Patterson - YouTube