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EP01 non-invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Smartwatch | HRV ECG/EKG HR BP SPO2 temp Health Tracker - YouTube
EP01 non-invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Smartwatch | HRV ECG/EKG HR BP SPO2 temp Health Tracker - YouTube
Check it out on AliExpress: and be sure to come visit me at: Also check out this blood glucose watch. So far I like it the most: Subscribe and check out my "Fitness Tracker and Smartwatch Reviews" Playlist on YT. I like to bring you smartwatches that are new or different in some way, and this is the first one I've found with non-invasive blood glucose monitoring. #AliExpress #Smartwatch
EP01 non-invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Smartwatch | HRV ECG/EKG HR BP SPO2 temp Health Tracker - YouTube
The Danger of Seed Oils & Finding a Healthier Option - w/ Jeff Nobbs | Empowering Neurologist EP159 - YouTube
The Danger of Seed Oils & Finding a Healthier Option - w/ Jeff Nobbs | Empowering Neurologist EP159 - YouTube
We've had so many discussions that's far about the importance of dietary fat for health and longevity. But to be clear, the type of fat we consume is of incredible importance. These days our diets seem to be loaded with vegetable oils and seed oils, and as we will learn, these are generally quite threatening to our health. In fact vegetable oils are only recently introduced into human nutrition with global production increasing 1600% since the early 1900s. There is a strong correlation between the increase consumption of vegetable oils and seed the oils with the incidence of severe chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even various neurological conditions.  Today we are going to explore a new type of oil called cultured oil, prepared by fermentation and subsequent filtration. Leading this industry is a company called Zero Acres Farms, and as such, I have reach doubt to its co-founder and CEO, Jeff Nobbs, to explore exactly what this company is doing as well as the health benefits of their product. ==== TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Intro 2:28 Realizing the Danger of Omega 6 10:10 Low Fat Diets 12:35 HNE 17:00 Inflammation & Lanolin Acid 20:38 Environmental Impact of Seed Oils 24:00 Saturated Fat 28:15 New Way to Produce Oils 33:36 What to Look for while buying 39:02 Conclusion ==== Jeff Nobbs: Jeff Nobbs is the co-founder and CEO of Zero Acre Farms, a food company replacing destructive vegetable oils with healthier, more sustainable oils and fats made by fermentation. Prior to Zero Acre Farms, Jeff also co-founded the fast casual restaurant chain Kitava, food security non-profit HelpKitchen, and rewards shopping platform Extrabux. He has also served as COO for Perfect Keto and General Manager of Rakuten after it acquired Extrabux. Jeff blogs about health, nutrition, and sustainability at ___________________________ Instagram: Website: Subscribe to our channel:
The Danger of Seed Oils & Finding a Healthier Option - w/ Jeff Nobbs | Empowering Neurologist EP159 - YouTube
The Shroud of Turin: Digging for Truth Episode 165 - YouTube
The Shroud of Turin: Digging for Truth Episode 165 - YouTube
What does historical research reveal about the Shroud of Turin? What have been the results of scientific testing? Is the Shroud a fraud, or could it possibly be the burial shroud of Jesus of Nazareth? We’ll explore these questions and more with Shroud researcher John Long on today's episode of Digging for Truth. Suggested articles for further reading:
The Shroud of Turin: Digging for Truth Episode 165 - YouTube
2 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Continued Doug Woodward - YouTube
2 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Continued Doug Woodward - YouTube
The timeline of the Old Testament, as conventionally understood, is wrong - way wrong. This is because it is based on the Masoretic Text (MT). However, if we consider the timeline of the Septuagint (LXX), what we discover is that the Bible's authentic timeline, created from the original documents of the Old Testament in 280 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, provides a chronology that is easily aligned with the records of Egypt, Sumer, India, and China - concerning when their respective civilizations began. DOUG'S YT CHANNEL: We’re the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teaching, based upon the inspired writings of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine concerning the rapture of the church. Though we don’t believe in setting dates, it is clear that the rapture of the church is imminent, perhaps much nearer than we think. DONATE: FIND US ON THE WEB: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: DOWNLOAD OUR APP:
2 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Continued Doug Woodward - YouTube
1 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Doug Woodward - YouTube
1 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Doug Woodward - YouTube
The timeline of the Old Testament, as conventionally understood, is wrong - way wrong. This is because it is based on the Masoretic Text (MT). However, if we consider the timeline of the Septuagint (LXX), what we discover is that the Bible's authentic timeline, created from the original documents of the Old Testament in 280 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, provides a chronology that is easily aligned with the records of Egypt, Sumer, India, and China - concerning when their respective civilizations began. DOUG'S YT CHANNEL: We’re the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teaching, based upon the inspired writings of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine concerning the rapture of the church. Though we don’t believe in setting dates, it is clear that the rapture of the church is imminent, perhaps much nearer than we think. DONATE: FIND US ON THE WEB: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: DOWNLOAD OUR APP:
1 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Doug Woodward - YouTube
1 EyeOptics Everyone Can Enjoy Perfect Eyesight
1 EyeOptics Everyone Can Enjoy Perfect Eyesight
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1 EyeOptics Everyone Can Enjoy Perfect Eyesight
Analyzing the Prebiotic Potential of Glucosamine for Targeting the Gut Microbiome Health
Analyzing the Prebiotic Potential of Glucosamine for Targeting the Gut Microbiome Health
Recognizing the composition and modulation of the microbiome, a viable therapeutic tool for multi-targeted therapy is a new strategy that has recently been explored. Glucosamine (GS) is being studied for its prebiotic potential in addition to being the most abundant and naturally occurring amino monosaccharide. The current study focuses on glucosamine’s prebiotic potential by assessing the stability of various GS concentrations (1% - 5%) in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and its ability to be fermented by the gut microbiota. The results showed that GS stimulated the most growth in L. acidophilus even after a longer incubation time than B. bifidum and L. acidophilus growth was concentration-dependent, with maximum growth at 3% with a simultaneous decrease in pH (5.6 - 1.7). The decrease in GS concentration with time also represented the growth of bacterial species, demonstrating the species’ utilization of GS. Furthermore, at 3%, GS also represented the prebiotic index of 1.9. In addition, the concentration of GS in various simulated GIT fluids was estimated in both fast and fed conditions to examine GS stability at various levels in the gut. The results showed that GS remained unaffected and non-digestible in all of the simulated GIT fluids (salivary, gastric, intestinal, and colonic), but there was a slight decrease in GS concentration (2.8%) in the fasted state of gastric fluid due to low pH levels (1.6). As a result, the findings are conclusive and suggest that GS possesses prebiotic properties.
Analyzing the Prebiotic Potential of Glucosamine for Targeting the Gut Microbiome Health